Search results

  1. F

    Tackle Boxes - what's in yours ?

    What do you consider essential in your tackle box? I always have two pairs of pliers, a knife and a file to sharpen my hooks. Then there's space for my reels and bait. Other essential outdoors gear I have in my backpack (compass, matches etc)
  2. F

    French Carps ...

    Hi Lorax - thanks for all that information - I'm intrigued now to see what kind of gear I have to use - a can of corn ???? I'm looking forward to the trip which will be at the end of March. I'll report back.
  3. F

    Always check the water.

    He must have been so highly intoxicated not to have noticed the pool was empty - however, had it been full and he was that drunk, going into water could have killed him outright. He's alive and hopefully his paralysis is not permanent.
  4. F

    Moss and the north.

    Oh well, I'm guilty of believing the "moss on north side of trees" myth ... until now. I do like all three tips for finding ones bearings that are posted above - very useful information guys. Thanks.
  5. F

    Did anyone get.....

    Yes - 3 pieces of underwear ! Well, 3 base layers - a tee shirt, a pair of boxer shorts and a pair of "long johns" - all made of merino wool which "breathes" and also absorbs moisture.
  6. F

    Showering without RV?

    I can go a pretty long time with my own smell ! It's all natural afterall - and "part of the experience". I do what others have said - use small a amount of water. Can you really get fungus if you only wash with water as Striker says? It's not happened to me (yet).
  7. F

    First Time in a Cave

    No, I've never been into a cave ! I've never even realised it before reading your post. Your enthusiasm (all 3 of the posts above) have now made this an ambition. I'm sure that Maine has caves - I shall have to research that. I do know that my native Peru has caves which i shall target when I...
  8. F

    What new toys do you have?

    I have a brand new pair of snowshoes for my New Year hike - they were a present from a friend. I bought myself a Christmas present of a new sleeping bag to replace my 8 year old, well-worn bag.
  9. F

    Carrying Garbage

    - Ha ha ! Definitely ! It would be disrespectful not to take your trash with you. I imagine that most people on this site are both respectful and environmentally aware - but it is good to revisit this issue to gather ideas. For example, I really like hikingshoes zioplock bag hung on the outside...
  10. F

    New Year's Day outdoors

    What will you be doing in the great outdoors on New Year's Day ? I shall be spending a few days with friends to "The Switzerland of Maine" - Jackson. We hope to trek on snowshoes and maybe do some ice-fishing.
  11. F

    French Carps ...

    I have to go to Europe on business soon and a French client has invited me to fish for carp in the lake near his village after I waxed lyrical about my fishing skills (ha !) in an email. It would be useful if I could impress this client. Any advice about what carp fishing equipment is...
  12. F

    Solar Stoves

    I've just bought my first solar stove (parabolic) for camping. It is a bit bulky - but I am happy to be using something so environmentally positive - ie: completely pollution-free cooking. Any experience of these ?
  13. F

    Salt or fresh water?

    I love swimming in both - but I have to cast my vote for saltwater, I feel so clean after a swimming in the sea. I also like the bouyancy of salt water - I can swim for longer and faster.
  14. F

    Any Fly Fishermen?

    I've recently started fly fishing in Maine with a colleague who is teaching me. I've only been twice, both times to small trout streams. I'm still learning about flies - so will follow this thread with interest. I have learned two things - the style of fly depends on the bait. Mayflies and...
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    Frog Gigging

    Never heard of this before. Are frogs really edible? I thought that edible frogs were a certain type which were bred purely for their legs? Are some frogs poisonous to eat ?
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    Living off the Land

    Hi Hayley and Woodsman - thank you for your advice. I never eat anything except the fish I catch - and there's a debate about that elsewhere on this site ! I have to say it is mushrooms that intrigue me most -but I have never and would never eat any in my current state of ignorance !
  17. F

    How to Prepare for Rain

    A well prepared tent is definitely the best way - that means a tarp underneath the tent, well-sealed seams and a rain fly. Carry extra ropes and pegs just incase the wind is high and that fly needs a bit more stability. I'd give trenches a "no" vote.
  18. F

    Where do you want to go?

    What a question ! I'd have to add Nepal and New Zealand to any wish list. My first choice would be the Mongolian Desert and within the US I'd love to walk/camp/fish along the whole of the Appalachian Trail.
  19. F

    Physical Preparation for Hiking

    Excellent question and I agree with the earlier replies. Conditioning should be built up slowly over short walks, in different conditions (plain, forest, inclined, weather!). Another consideration is that he properly broken-in boots !
  20. F

    Do not eat the fish

    I try not to think about this too much - I want to believe that the fish I catch is safe for me to eat. I guess most fish must have some levels of mercury in the flesh. I also think that fish which eat other fish may have higher concentrations than other fish in the same locality (eg: pickerel...