Search results

  1. WalkingMan

    Fantastic Oatmeal

    Even though I eat oatmeal when I'm hiking or camping, it's not the thing I would turn to first when I'm hungry. However, I found some oatmeal the other day that is absolutely the best stuff I've ever eaten. I've eaten a whole box of packets of the stuff in 4 days time. It's blueberry and has...
  2. WalkingMan

    Urban bike courtesy

    There are terrible bikers, drivers and pedestrians. It just depends upon your point of view at the time you are talking. There are jerks everywhere. Polite just doesn't happen as much any more than it used to.
  3. WalkingMan

    Building up endurance

    Good vid. I may have to start doing those too. I am in decent shape but it would be wonderful to have a bit more endurance. If this doesn't do it, nothing will.
  4. WalkingMan

    What Was Your Best Trip?

    ...or do you have a trip that you value above all the others? I have several, but I think my favorite is the last trip I went on with my son before he went to college. Things change after that even if you go out again together. It's like having another adult instead of your kid.
  5. WalkingMan

    Hurricane Irene

    I never even thought of that, IndianaHiker. I do hope they are OK. It got pretty rough in some areas. A friend of mine is an electric lineman and he's in Va. now to try to help get the power back on. He said some areas were hit pretty hard.
  6. WalkingMan

    Pond And Lily Pads?

    I would think you would have to get a backhoe in to scrape the bottom and sides of the pond to get rid of the roots of the plants. I don't think there is any other way you could get them out.
  7. WalkingMan

    Sleeps ???

    My daughter would absolutely beat us to death if we slept close. I once woke up after having her in the bed with her diagonally on the bed and I was in one corner with my legs off of the bed. This kid could kill a prowler with no problem if they came upon her when she was sleeping. I have no...
  8. WalkingMan

    Debt crisis

    I'm with you, Grandpa. I haven't had that explained to my satisfaction yet. I have paid tax after tax and paid more than my share sometimes. Why they can't tax the rich, I have no idea while the general public gets taxed to the roots of their hair. I was always told when I was working that...
  9. WalkingMan

    Keeping The Fire Burning

    How many of you keep your fire burning all of the time? We tend to let ours go out if it's warm but if there's a slight chill in the air or if it's wet, we keep the fire going all of the time even though it means gathering more wood.
  10. WalkingMan

    Wood Burning survival stove

    I would love to have a wood burning stove. We've actually thought about buying one of the wood burners that stay outside. We've talked about it for quite some time but just haven't been able to justify the expense yet. I think with prices going through the ceiling, this year we may just take the...
  11. WalkingMan

    Cave Diving?

    I'm with you, Camoguy. I'm not much on caving when it's on dry land, let alone in the water. I would have a very hard time getting out again if I did get into one.
  12. WalkingMan

    Sassafras Root

    I have found a source of sassafras root near me. I intend to harvest it before winter too. It's so good to have a hot cup of sassafras tea when it's cold outside. It's been years since I went searching for sassafras and I'm glad I've found some. Have you ever tried it?
  13. WalkingMan

    Fox Coming Around

    Our Fish and Wildlife guys use live traps to catch unwanted wild animals that stray into the neighborhoods. You may want to call them and see what they want to do. It does sound friendly, but I wouldn't take the chance with it.
  14. WalkingMan

    Outside cat

    I don't think it would work either. It's amazing what the cats can get up to. Have you noticed that the majority of the animals killed on the road are usually dogs or wild animals? Cats don't usually get hit with the frequency that dogs do. Of course, that doesn't mean it doesn't happen but it's...
  15. WalkingMan

    Bats Over Bats

    They eat their weight in mosquitoes. I love the little critters for that fact alone. Yeah, sometimes they do get in the wrong place, but it's worth it not to hurt them, at least for me.
  16. WalkingMan

    Are you a loner or like lots of other to come with you?

    I'm pretty much a loner and don't want company. It's foreign to me to have a bunch of people around so I don't do it. I would rather go to the woods alone and enjoy the quiet.
  17. WalkingMan

    Riding your horse in public areas.

    Sounds loco to me. They should have called the cops. We are allowed to ride in town, but we are also responsible and know what to do with a horse.
  18. WalkingMan


    I just heard on our local news station that bacon is America's favorite meat followed by filet mignon which also uses bacon. Honestly, meat has gotten so expensive, we have just about stopped buying bacon. I'm thinking about buying a pig and a calf to raise. The only problem is my wife and kids...
  19. WalkingMan

    Too hot for campfire

    Not here. We have a heat advisory too. They are advising people to stay indoors and I understand there are quite a few deaths across the country. I really don't want to go outside more than is necessary. There is outdoor fun and dangerous. I don't do dangerous.
  20. WalkingMan

    Fish Recipes

    I noticed the thread on catch and release of fish in another part of the forum. Say you have the fish and they are too damaged. How are you going to cook them? Post any good recipes here. We dredge them in flour, then an egg wash and then in panko bread crumbs and place in about an inch of...