Search results

  1. WalkingMan

    Rip currents.

    Some people shouldn't be parents. It's vital that you be smarter than the child. It's a shame such a tragedy had to happen and I know the pain of losing a child. Mine died at a much older age and of natural causes, but it still hurts. I can't imagine losing a young one like that.
  2. WalkingMan

    Anyone here do a van conversion?

    I've seen it done but I don't know anywhere to get plans. The one's I've seen have just done what they wanted and used their imagination.
  3. WalkingMan

    Spending the Weekend

    We have made plans to go to Natural Bridge State Park in Kentucky over next weekend since I had to work this last weekend. I'm off today but we are having a long weekend, so we are going to go exploring here. It's not far from Red River Gorge many of you hike. I love it in that area.
  4. WalkingMan

    Regular Walking Program

    Any time you're busy or standing up all of the time, you are pretty fit for all except the extremely rough stuff. I do make sure I keep in shape though. You never know when you'll have to run from zombies. :P
  5. WalkingMan

    Memorial Day

    I have to applaud you and I stand up and salute the heros who do the dirty job every single day. I was a Marine back in my younger days and I know what they have to go through. I was fortunate in the fact I got through my tour of duty without being in war but it doesn't mean I wasn't ready to do...
  6. WalkingMan

    Bear Grylls Survival Kit

    @wvbreamfisherman-You have that right. I hope I never have to do any of the stupid stunts he does on the show. You are right about the show being done for shock value. IF you are used to being outdoors, unless you are very, very slow, you would never be in most of the situations he is in. Every...
  7. WalkingMan

    Regular Walking Program

    So, do you keep on a regular walking program when you aren't hiking? I try to walk at least a mile or two every day to keep everything limbered up and ready for backpacking. Do you keep up your activity so you don't get out of shape?
  8. WalkingMan

    New Pay Lake-I'm Excited!

    Yeah, it is sort of like fishing in a barrel in a sense, but I love fishing and with this one within walking distance (2 miles), I'll have a lot of fun this year.
  9. WalkingMan

    When to buy and where

    Absolutely, CozInCowtown. If you wait until the end of the season, there are usually a lot more to pick from. People don't want to store or pay for storage for them, so they are usually ready to get rid of them.
  10. WalkingMan


    Well, I have a cat who likes to play with them and eat them. It's not the most pleasant death but at least he keeps the yard looking good. I think he has caught at least 5 of them this year already. Between the chipmunks and the snakes and frogs he catches, he's always busy.
  11. WalkingMan

    Grilled Polish Sausage

    Don't forget to cut the sausage into 1 inch pieces and brown it before you add it to the red beans and rice. It adds so much flavor to the dish. I also eat polish sausage with saurkraut but red beans and rice is my very favorite. We do this dish at the campsite too.
  12. WalkingMan

    Skunks and Dogs

    Was he hit in the head as a pup? :) That may explain the TWO encounters. Either that or he figures it's his territory and will not allow another animal in what is his. Good luck with the skunk scent.
  13. WalkingMan

    Horror Movies About Hiking and Camping

    They are going camping this weekend so, we shall see how it goes. They have been charged, by me to make their own spooky stories up to tell by the campfire. I think they'll be fine, they are better now anyway.
  14. WalkingMan

    Luxury tents.

    What would be the point. If you go camping, you go to camp, not to live in a luxury villa. If we had one of those, we would probably live in it.
  15. WalkingMan

    Does Anyone Hunt At the Pay Places?

    We have a couple of pay to hunt places around us, one for phesant and one for deer. I honestly don't see the point since the animals or fowl are not as wild as the ones outside of these places. If I hunt, I want to hunt, not kill it like you would a beef. Does anyone else hunt like this?
  16. WalkingMan

    Not really hunting I want to scare cats away

    Please don't ever, ever allow anyone to catch or even try to catch a feral cat. You will look worse than if you danced with Freddie Krueger if you do. They are not a pet. They are a wild animal like a lion is a wild animal. You may survive the attack but you may not want to, since as safn1949...
  17. WalkingMan

    Horror Movies About Hiking and Camping

    I have so far, forbidden my kids from seeing horror movies that involve hiking and camping. But guess what? They were at a friends house and saw some B movie that was about a bunch of people camping and some mutant killed them off one by one. So...Now I have two young sons who don't want to go...
  18. WalkingMan

    Unbreakable Horse

    There are always those animals who are unteachable, or untrainable whichever way you want to say it. I think they are better left alone than to try again and again. I've seen some horses who are not able to be trained. And I would rather just pass them on to the pasture and let them be. I'm...
  19. WalkingMan

    Another Weekend in Red River Gorge.

    You have a particularly beautiful place to hike. I would live there if I could. It's so nice and peaceful unless you have a bunch of shouting, running kids that come through. Peace and quiet-I crave it like caffeine.
  20. WalkingMan

    Your feet, to hike, really?

    It's really hard on the balance. I've seen more people fall from these things than anything else. I was listening to a doctor on the TV the other night, who was saying these were a horrible idea and they had no effect on the calories burned. I think they would be a particularly bad idea for...