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  1. T

    my goodness!

    Yeah, unfortunately some things are best learned the hard way. Here's hoping they're fast learners, though! You know what they say, you start with a full bag of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the one before the other is empty.
  2. T

    Funny Site while Driving

    Haha, as for the deer left in the supervisor's car, I sure hope they didn't pull that prank on a hot day. Something tells me there's not enough Febreeze in the world for something like that...
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    Mtn Lion Sighting

    Mountain lions are pretty amazing animals to watch, but I don't think I could ever shoot one unless it was going after me. Then again, I'm pretty easily impressed by big animals.
  4. T

    Keeping dogs inside?

    I keep my labs inside during hunting season, since our property backs up against some woods where folks hunt. It's just not a good time of year to be brown, four-legged, and furry.
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    Blister help?

    I've discovered that I'm really prone to getting bad blisters on my feet, and so far wrapping them hasn't really worked as a prevention. Does anyone have any other tips?
  6. T

    Stepped over a guard rail...

    Some folks just have no concept of danger. Once in Yellowstone, I saw a guy get out of his car and start yelling at a big male buffalo to get out of the road. Fortunately the buffalo was in a mild mood.
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    Zombie plan??

    My zombie plan is to eat all the delicious brains, because there is no way I'm coming out of that scenario as a living human being. Odds say I'm in the 99% that eat their loved ones.
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    Child's age for wearing life jacket while on boat

    I agree with what everyone else has said. It's better to be wearing a PFD and not need it, than to need a PFD and not be wearing one.
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    Starting A Fire With a Pop Can and Chocolate

    So long as you hold the pyromaniac spirit within you, ANYTHING can be used to start a fire. Back when I was in scouting, we got pretty inventive.
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    Wild Squirrel

    Heh, squirrels contain an amazing amount of crazy for their size. Nothing is quite as territorial as the red ones, though. I've seen a red squirrel run off a cat.
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    Sending a message...?

    Okay, I have this crazy neighbor who has strung out a bunch of dead starlings on a clothesline in his backyard. When I asked him about it, he said he was "Sending a message" to the other starlings. Do birds actually understand this sort of thing? XD
  12. T

    Any good books?

    I read one called "98 Degrees, the Art of Keeping Your A** Alive" that was pretty good. The whole tone of it was abrasive and informal, but the info in it was solid.
  13. T

    Is there a no list?

    I'll eat most anything if it smells good and has been safely prepared. That said, if something looks delicious, but the smell turns my stomach, no way you're getting me to eat it in this life or any other.
  14. T

    Attracting rabbits

    I've got a lot of flat, meadowy property, and I would love to hunt bunnies on my own land, but there's a slight problem. I don't actually have any bunnies here. Anyone know good ways to naturally attract wild rabbits?