Got some good news


fear no beer
So, Thursday afternoon we headed an our south to a specialty doctor for a level 2 ultrasound. For those who may not know, our son was born last year with a cleft lip and palate, so we are at a higher risk hence the level 2 scan this time around. We took our daughter as the wife said if she was good that week she can see the baby on the screen. It was a pretty long scan, maybe half an hour or 45 minutes they looked our son over. In the end, the doctor is fairly certain he does not have any signs of a cleft lip or palate. We do have to go back in 10 weeks for another though. But it was a huge weight disappearing, knowing we will not have that issue to deal with. Now I'm just praying no other health issues arises.

For those who may have caught on, we did find out it is a boy. Well with 99% certainty. The cord was in the way some of the time I guess. My daughter did proceed to cry on my shoulder when we were told. She wants a little sister like her cousin has. I was ready however to do the dance of joy.

Perfect Strangers - The Dance of Joy - YouTube

Judy Ann

Active Member
Durham, NC
Woohoooot! Awesome news in many areas. You are a blessed man Jason and we are praying for you and your family!!!! Thank you for the update!


Good news indeed. You'll get some prayers from this direction.

Maybe the cord isnt in the way. Maybe he is just.....ample. :tinysmile_hmm_t:


New Member
Great! Sounds like your building a beautiful family. Love them with all your heart. There's nothing better in the world. Good vibes coming your way.


New Member
Sounds like you have good reason for that dance of joy. Glad to hear everything is going ok for you and your family. Maybe later on your daughter can get her little sister? :)


Congratulations to you and your family Jason! I know that must have been a huge sense of relief for you and your wife. Prayers from our family to yours as well!


New Member
Good news, Jason. I bet that was a relief for you and your wife. May I ask, what is a level 2 ultrasound? I've never heard the term before. How is your son, by the way? That must have been a rather hard thing to deal with.


fear no beer
Thank you everyone for the well wishes and prayers. We are still hoping for one child who does not need a yearly checkup of some sort. A hard thing I think today as they always seem to find something wrong. I do not think I've mentioned it, but our daughter has chiari malformation, although very few cases of it need intervention, it is something we get a yearly checkup for her about. Just one child we would love to have nothing to worry about. But I feel blessed with each one, and as they say, they good lord will not provide more then we can handle. But I do add, he knows now to push the limits.

Sounds like you have good reason for that dance of joy. Glad to hear everything is going ok for you and your family. Maybe later on your daughter can get her little sister? :)
This is being discussed right now. My family seems to run strange. Out of three kids, one will have all boys, one all girls, and one will be mixed. My older brothers have had one of each. But mostly the discussion is around the costs bringing a child into the world. Doctors costs have seem to do nothing but gone up. And then there is the time spent per child factor. I believe, along with the wife that our daughter is upset mostly by her cousin having a younger sister recently. We have tried to explain that she will have her own room now while the boys will share a room, along with other benefits.

Good news indeed. You'll get some prayers from this direction.

Maybe the cord isnt in the way. Maybe he is just.....ample. :tinysmile_hmm_t:
That is until you hear of the Irish curse. For those that take everything seriously, that was for all purposes a joke. No need to send the IRA after me.

Good news, Jason. I bet that was a relief for you and your wife. May I ask, what is a level 2 ultrasound? I've never heard the term before. How is your son, by the way? That must have been a rather hard thing to deal with.
James has been great. A blessing. I know all parents talk up their sons, but I honestly feel I have a lot to learn from him. No matter how bad the kid hurts himself, he will still climb onto the table, the high chair, or do whatever else a few seconds afterwords with a smile on his face. The only time I've really seen him upset was when we had to grab him before he escaped outside. His spirit is strong, and he does not stop. He has been a great inspiration lately for me. Sadly however, his development in speech has been slow. We recently met with a program that evaluates children's progress, and they feel he may need some additional support. He is also battling a double ear infection which held up his hearing test. But that may have been from the cold he caught from our daughter. And if you saw him, you would not think he was sick at all. Again, truly amazing so far.