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  1. F

    Cooking Egg With Mud

    That's just about the craziest thing I ever heard, lol. It's amazing what people discover in the name of survival. I just can't help but wonder though, what would someone be doing with an egg and no pan?
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    Untouched by Human Hands

    I have a good friend who spent many years as a missionary in the Philippines and there were several situations when her life was in danger. I'm not opposed to foreign travel, but I think I would probably choose somewhere more stable.
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    I don't understand...

    I agree with Wild Bill - anyone who hunts for fun and wastes the meat is trying to prove and/or compensate for something. I think hunting is fine as long as you either use the meat yourself or let someone else have it, but if it gets wasted then that is just pointless.
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    Bad cheese!

    I usually pack an extra sharp cheddar and that seems to stand up pretty well to being in the cooler. What type of cheese do you bring? I could see where a softer cheese would give you some trouble, especially in the warmer months.
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    It is a lot of work and they are quite expensive, on average of about $50, I think. Sarahbean, you're right, duck can be very greasy if not prepared right. That said, I have never heard anyone complain about turducken being greasy. I'm not sure why, but evidently it is prepared in such a way...
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    Extreme camping.

    I love the winter months and the outdoor activities that go along with the cold weather, but I do not see a reason to sleep outside in below freezing temperatures. I'll go hang out outside all day, but then give me a warm fireplace to defrost in front of :)
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    Fishing Myths or Fishermen's Tales

    Lol, the fisherman tales I am most familiar with are the ones my husband and my dad tell after a day on the water. They are notorious for creating their own urban legends about the ones that got away :)
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    Have ya'll heard of this? It originated in southern Louisiana, but I think it became a more national concept several years ago. I think it's just the funniest thing so I wanted to share it with those of you who may not have heard of it. Turducken is a huge holiday dish in Louisiana instead of...
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    Budgeting for taxidermy

    For anybody who actually has things mounted, do you budget for that throughout the year in anticipation of killing something that you will want to mount? I mean, I was just sitting here thinking about a real bearskin rug. I can't even imagine what the cost of something like that would be. But if...
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    Singing around the campfire

    I always love it when someone brings a guitar and plays some music in the evenings. However, I am with everyone else here - you do NOT want me to sing. Just a couple notes out of me and all the wildlife would start running for their lives.
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    Bird watching

    Does anybody around here do this? I have a friend who was so addicted to this as a hobby that she took a class at a local college to learn how to identify hundreds of different types of birds, not just on sight, but sound as well. I think she's crazy, lol. I just can't get into bird watching...
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    Hunting exotics

    Has anybody ever gone on a hunting excursion to Africa or anywhere outside North America? I support deer hunting and even hunting of other game that we have an abundance of here, but I just can't get on board with killing something like a lion or a tiger. Also, I don't know if it's true or not...
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    I think our boat is done for

    $100 for a tarp sounds like a reasonable investment to make in order to keep the boat in good shape. I would rather spend the $100 on a tarp than buy a new boat, lol. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it would seem to me that a boat motor that hasn't been started in a year and a half would have...
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    Do you always keep what you hunt?

    I have a cousin like that and it makes me crazy. He goes on big hunting trips because evidently it makes him feel more like a man to come home and have a good hunting story to tell, but he doesn't like to eat game. I agree with Wild Bill - you should only kill for food or to defend yourself...
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    Do you like to watch the Manatees?

    I lived in the Keys for a couple years and my house was right on the water on the Bay side so I had manatees right in my backyard all the time. It is illegal to interact with them in any way (i.e pet them, feed them, etc), but it is so difficult to avoid it because they are so friendly. They...
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    Has anybody tried this? Whenever I am in the Caribbean I see people doing it and it looks so cool and I want to try it, but then there is always that one person on the beach wearing a cast...because he parasailed the day before and broke his ankle on the landing. I think it would be such a blast...
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    Forest Service Open to Allowing Mountain Bikes on Continental Divide Trail, But What

    I agree. As I was reading that I was trying to figure out what the problem is. Do cyclists litter more than hikers or something? Lol. The only thing I can figure is maybe they're concerned about bikes altering the trail. I've been on some mountain bike trails that, over time, change and become...
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    Weekly Topic: What does Wilderness mean to you?

    Wilderness to me is expansive, uninhabited, unadulterated land. Woods, forests, swamps, wide open pastures, whatever. As long as it hasn't been changed by man in anyway and there is a lot of space or land to it, that's wilderness.
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    Thoughts on camping fridges?

    They make fridges for camping?? Wow, where have I been?! Out of curiosity, how big are they and what do they run off of? I'm not sure it would make sense for me to buy one, but I've never seen them before.
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    Camping using a recreational vehicle?

    In the area where I live a lot of the local RV dealers rent as well so you might want to start with your local dealerships. They aren't cheap. A couple years ago I was looking to rent a pop up and it was going to be $350 just for the weekend. I thought that was a little steep considering the...