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  1. F

    Kayak down the road

    Our property floods so bad at times that the previous owners used to use an inflatable boat to get to their cars. My husband and I haven't resorted to that yet, but we often joke that when our daughter is old enough she's going to want a boat just for the fun of it. And I think she'd have so...
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    Sledding with the snowmobile

    When I was a kid my dad used to tie my sled to the back of his snowmobile and pull me along. Looking back on it, he wasn't going very fast, but I was little so I thought I was being a real daredevil, lol. Has anybody tried this?
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    Jogging strollers

    Wow, guys, thanks for the great information. I honestly didn't think I would be able to get one at such a low price (low considering what I was expecting to spend). It's good to know that for less than $300 I can get something that is of good quality and comes recommended :)
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    Jogging strollers

    Does anybody have one of these? I have seen them in all different price ranges, from the relatively cheap to the super expensive, and I'm wondering if this is a "you get what you pay for" type of thing. I have some really nice trails near my house that would be perfect for jogging, but the...
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    Resorting to trailer camping

    Tent camping is nice when the weather is right, but I hear ya about the hard ground thing. When we tent camp I bring an air mattress. There may be some hard core campers that would call me a pansy, but if I slept on the ground with nothing other than a sleeping blanket I wouldn't be able to walk...
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    Wet and humid

    Humidity is a bummer anytime of year. I live on the gulf coast where we are humid 365 days a year. It makes the heat feel hotter in the summer and the cold feel colder in the winter.
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    I've never done it personally, but I have friends who bring their motor home to all the LSU home games and they always have a blast. I think if I did that I'd end up having more fun in the parking lot than at the actual game :)
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    Ice fishing?

    Although I lived in Canada for four years I've never been ice fishing either, but whenever I think of ice fishing I think of the movie Grumpy Old Men, lol. I'd be curious to know if the conditions are as uncomfortable as they look.
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    Living in a tree house

    Wow, that sounds like something Tarzan would live in, lol. It does sound really amazing, but I wonder how he ensures long term stability in the house. I mean, what happens to the house as the tree grows and what if there was ever a storm severe enough to take down limbs of the tree?
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    Backpacking Europe

    Has anyone ever done this? I had some friends in college who spent the summer backpacking across Europe one year and they had a blast. In hindsight, I wish I had gone with them, but I opted to stay behind to take summer classes. I wish I hadn't been such an overachiever, lol. It is still...
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    When you go camping do you like to meet other campers or just keep to yourself? I used to enjoy getting to know other people, but in recent years I have become less social. After having some people we hardly knew attach themselves to us for entire weekend I have backed off from being overly...
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    Worse thing about camping?

    By far...the bugs. I am a mosquito magnet and those buggers could really ruin a trip for me. I am allergic to a lot of commercial bug sprays too, so that makes it even more difficult for me at certain times of the year.
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    Canned bacon?

    Well, I'll be darned. Check this out guys: You have to see it to believe it. The part of about it having a shelf life of 10 years is a little disturbing, lol.
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    Canned bacon?

    Lmao - too funny! I have to agree with you, Campclose. Even if I ate meat this wouldn't sound appealing to me. Out of curiosity I just asked my husband if he's ever heard of this (this is a man who is in the forefront when it comes to pork knowledge, lol) and he said no, he's never heard of it...
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    Snake bites

    My husband was talking about those snake bite kits last night and I think we need to get one. We live in the swamp and snakes are abundant here. Thankfully neither one of us has had a problem yet beyond surprise encounters and the snakes usually try to get away from us as fast as they can. But...
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    We Just Got Rained Out!

    What a bummer! I know the feeling though. I think we've all probably been rained out more times than we care to count. Did you reschedule your hike?
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    Snake bites

    I almost hate to ask this question because I'm afraid it's going to jinx me, lol, but what do you do if you get bitten? I have this vision of getting bit and then running through the woods or my property or wherever with a snake attached to my ankle while I'm having the biggest panic attack of...
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    Canned bacon?

    Come on...really?? I've never even heard of the stuff. Is it like real bacon? Like, it would get crispy when you cook it? Personally, I'm a vegetarian, but I'm curious about this.
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    Survival fishing

    Has anybody ever had to fish to eat? When my husband was growing up his family was poor. I mean, really poor. They had a garden and a pond and everyday after school he had to go to the pond and fish for their dinner. Thankfully we don't live like that now, but I think it's pretty cool that he...
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    Pack of raccoons mauls 74-year-old woman

    Wow, that's really crazy. I wonder if they were being so aggressive because they were in a big group. I always knew raccoons aren't as fearful as some other animals, but I didn't know they would be so openly aggressive.