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  1. Y

    Things to pack

    All the bed, bath and kitchen linens get washed at the end of the season and placed in big plastic bins with lids along with clothes. Perishables and anything that can freeze all come out and get used up inside.
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    Deep water fears

    We live in lake country, and some lakes are shallow but some have spots over 300 feet deep. My neighbor's wife won't go in the boat in water over 20 feet, as she's afraid of the depth. Doesn't that seem irrational?
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    What gets your goat??

    Inconsiderate, obnoxious NOISE is what bugs me the most, although trash and abuse of the landscape are right up there. Mechanical and electronic noise in particular bug me.
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    Are you really camping?

    I think it's all relative. Compared to living in a permanent structure, a camper is more primitive. Compared to a camper, a tent is more primitive.
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    Your favorite....

    A grill rack and a box of foil along with a light weight pot for boiling water are all I usually use for a weekend situation. It takes up minimal space and weighs next to nothing.
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    Snow Tires for Bicycle

    I have heard of studded bicycle tires for rugged terrain. I would imagine they would serve you well for biking in snowy conditions too.
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    Wilderness survival becoming obsolete?

    I look at it like this---it's kind of like now that calculators and computers are everyday tools, do we still need to learn arithmatic? I would say so!
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    Hiking With Dogs

    We have two big dogs that we love to hike with. The problem is that packing enough of their food for any kind of extended trek really adds to the weight of our packs. Suggestions?
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    Need some tent advice

    We have a Moss tent that we've had for over 20 years. We've lived and camped all over the country in all kinds of conditions, and it has never let us down.
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    One Big Family Tent, or Multiples?

    When the kids were little, we camped as a family in one tent. Once they got to the point that they had confidence and we knew we didn't have to worry about them, we went with separate ones.