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    Everything was great until.....

    Last year we were in a full camp ground, and everything was great until.....a few campsites over from us they decided to try to light a fire with damp, green wood. Smoke city! How would you handle this?
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    Any rock hounds out there?

    Ever since I was little, whenever I'm outdoors in a natural setting I gravitate toward a scoping out rocks and stones. I'm just mesmerized by all the variations in colors, patterns and shapes. Any rock hounds out there?
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    pre cook

    My wife cooks lots of things in large batches all througout the year. We generally trailer or tent camp. It sure makes it simple to just pack and go, heat and eat.
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    Clean drinking water

    If you got lost for an extended period of time, the issue of clean drinking water would eventually come up. What if you weren't able to boil water? You could really mess yourself up by drinking bad water.
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    "Off" season to buy a camper?

    That's a pretty good idea. It's probably not much different than buying a car as far as being able to negotiate price, and it would probably be easier negotiating in an "off" season.
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    Wow, I must be living in the dark ages---I don't know about these. I do have one of those rechargable flashlights with the hand crank though.
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    Tent, Camper, or Under the Stars

    It really just depends on what the focus of any particular trip is. If it's fishing, then I like to maximize my fishing time and use a trailer. Fussing with camping gear can really get time consuming.
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    IN Case of Emegrency

    I was always taught to carry a loud whistle and a mirror. The whistle would be for trying to get someone's attention with sound, and the mirror with sight so your location could be pinpointed.
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    Can you relate?

    Wow---that must have been a major stressor for you. I can do city or country, but I can say I would really hate to be cut off from the natural world.
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    Black soot on pots and pans

    One thing about cooking over a wood fire is the black soot that accumulates on the outsides of your pots and pans. It gets on everything! How do yu deal with this issue?
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    Head or tails?

    In a small two or three person tent, do you sleep with your head towards the opening of the tent or towards the back of the tent. Pros and cons either way I suppose.
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    Camp coffee

    I have a simple little 4 piece cook kit---enamel covered aluminum. It came with a two cup coffee percolator. I just make it the old fashioned way over a campfire like my mom did on her range in our kitchen years ago.
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    I have been there twice---both in the last five years. Yes, you could see the evidence of the fires, but the second time I went, I was really aware of how much new growth I saw.
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    Using a "space blanket"

    Yes! I love those things. It should be a required survival kit item. They are light weight and designed to reflect body heat to keep you warm when you wrap yourself in one.
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    Do you have...

    Those are my sentiments exactly. If I was to tell you about my secret spots then they wouldn't be "secret" spots anymore, now would they?! (I have several and am working on more....)
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    Hiking With Dogs

    "Hiking With Dogs" by Linda B. Mullally is a book you would probably really enjoy. She lists Ruff Wear as a source for dog hiking gear.
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    Flies vs lures

    I know that fly fishermen (fly fisherpersons?) use "flies" as opposed to regular lures. What's the real difference between the two? Can regular lures be used instead?
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    Casting while fly fishing

    I was watching a guy fly fishing last summer. The motion involved with the casting is quite nice to watch. Why is the casting done that way, though?
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    Can an average person afford a yacht?

    Maybe if you decided to not have a mortgage and you found a "fixer upper" yacht that you could live on you could do it! I say go for it!
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    Hiking With Dogs

    My mom gave me a gift certificate for outdoor gear. Can't wait to go dog pack shopping! She also gave us a camping gift basket she put together, and in it were two nylon folding dog bowls. Love the boots idea!