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  1. L

    The hippogriff

    Yes, maybe someday.... :) Nothing is impossible, right? Anyway, the other animals I dream of riding on are the giant birds in Avatar. How do you call them?
  2. L

    The longest you camped?

    Wow, a month is a long time to live in a tent. I have never camped in a cabin (let alone in a tent) for more than a week.
  3. L

    Do you take books?

    Yeah I can't either. I cannot even stand in line without reading something, let alone spend time in a camping trip without a book.
  4. L

    The hippogriff

    Hippogriffs are a great animal, at least which are portrayed in Harry Potter movies. I would love to have one if they did exist in the real life.
  5. L

    Do you take books?

    I have never forgot to bring a book or two in my camping trips. There are always times when you want to relax, and a good book is a great companion in those times.
  6. L

    Half want tents, half want cabins

    That's also a good idea especially if you don't mind the hassle of arranging both. It will enable your kids to try both and let them choose what they really want.
  7. L


    I have watched the first one and that made me wonder if I would see the sequels. If so, I would just wait for the DVDs. I am not a movie theater goer.
  8. L

    What is your homepage?

    I got mine set to Amazon. No, I am not a regular shopper on the website. I am just always excited to find new books and other stuff sold there.
  9. L

    Half want tents, half want cabins

    That's true. You wouldn't be able to please everyone no matter what, and you don't have to either. Besides some solutions advised above you can apply a rotation system. This time you guys use tents, and next time you sleep in cabins.
  10. L

    Motorbike as primary transport?

    Anyone uses a motorbike as primary transport? I think it would be cool to ride motorbike to office and in other daily occasions. For safety reasons, it's not advisable though.
  11. L

    Crying Child

    I like this idea also, especially about giving a kid a job which let them make decisions. Why would he ruin the trip of which he is one of the leaders?
  12. L


    Thanks for the info. I will keep myself from the areas with tall grass if possible (but could I?). I often get the similar rush but I never noticed what have bitten me.
  13. L

    Fishing contests?

    Have you ever entered a fishing contest and won it? Any tips you can share here? I never have much luck with such contests. I have tried a few contests but never won any.
  14. L

    fishing partners

    I have no issue fishing alone but normally I go fishing in a group with some friends of mine. It's great to have some people to applaud when you get a big catch. :)
  15. L

    Do you take the kids or go solo?

    There is no kid yet so I am still able to enjoy the quiet of trekking alone or with my girlfriend. Of course I also regularly go trekking in a group with some friends or co-workers.
  16. L

    The oldest trekker

    LOL That's really an amazing experience. I cannot imagine to mountain bike, riding such an incline at that age. I have no good mountain biking skills, but I am really fond of trekking.
  17. L

    No plans for a while

    That's my problem also. Currently I have so much work to do that I couldn't allot time for going outdoors. This forum is the only "trekking site" I am still able to visit regularly. :)
  18. L

    What do you consider trash fish?

    Of course I won't keep any fish living in polluted and contaminated water. I never keep carp either. But there is no trash fish for me. I would eat any of them when needed, though I hope I would never get into such a situation.
  19. L

    To make a living

    That's a good point Cookie, I agree with that. Actually it is ourselves who can control and choose the way we do and enjoy our job. No job would be boring if we did it with love.
  20. L

    How to quiet a new hiker

    She is still a child and that's her first trekking trips, right? I think you can just let her go and tell her about the importance of walking quietly. Tell her to do so otherwise she wouldn't deers or other wildlife waiting to show up before her. :)