Search results

  1. H

    On or off trail?

    Do you prefer to hike on a trail or off the trail? I like to look for natural deer trails to follow because I love to try to understand the travel patterns of wildlife.
  2. H

    The Biggest Fish

    I caught a catfish that was almost 2 feet long onces. I know the biggest catfish ever caught was 10 ft and over 600 lbs so mine doesn't really seem all that impressive.
  3. H

    Stoking the campfire

    I have things I get OCD about when I am camping so I can understand that. I bet you are fun to have camping just because no one else has to worry about the fire going out!
  4. H

    Flotation devices

    I really like the vest type. I have very slim kids and the orange ones seem to slip and tend to come loose. The vests clip on and seem to stay more secure. They are more expensive though.
  5. H

    How long?

    I could probably go a couple of months as well. I am guessing that is about how long it will take for me to be eaten by a bear or a pack of wolves.
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    Small items in a backpack

    Are pill bottles waterproof? I think about small things when I buy a backpack. I know what I will be carrying and I ask myself if the back pack will be one that can be easily organized. I like one that has special pockets for the small things.
  7. H

    When to board a horse

    Location is also something you want to consider. You may not want your horse to be far. You may want to get a map and draw a circle around your house. This way you can figure out which ones are with in the range you want.
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    Warranties on a popup

    I am trying to decide if I should by a new or used pop up. I would buy a new one but only if it came with a nice long warranty. Do companies s offer warranties on pop up trailers?
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    Heaters for camping

    It is getting to the time of year where the night temperatures are going to start dropping. I got a late start with my camping season and want to keep it going as long as possible. Does anyone use camping heaters when it gets cold?
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    Burn Barrel

    Steel drums make the best fire pits because when you burn in them they tend to make less smoke. Can you cut the barrel down to turn it in to a fire pit?
  11. H

    Keep ice from melting

    My first question is how old is the cooler you are using and where do you store it in cold whether? It could be that the insulation of your cooler is worn out and you need a new one.
  12. H

    Do you study the local animals?

    I was going backpacking and ran in to a kind of spider that I had not studied about. I think that I am going to always make sure to study up on the poisonous animals that could be about.
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    Cooling Water, The Natural Way

    Huh, I wonder how I never figured that one out. That sounds like a fantastic way to keep water cool. I have always just drank it warm too!
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    Camping Dreams

    That could be it... or maybe it is trying to predict something. Maybe you are going to go camping but you are going to forget to pack something that is really important.
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    Camping checklist

    Yes I do have a checklist that I use to get ready. At first it was missing some things but after a few trips and modifications the check list is a great way to get ready to go.
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    My lap top and my best knives. I have had a leatherman, the same one, forever and I would not want that to get burned up in a fire! All of my photos are on an image hosting site so even if the house burns down I still have all those.
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    I was wondering where talk about birdwatching would go. This has become one of my favorite things to do. Can we get a section on birdwatching in the forum by chance?
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    Sitting still

    Hehe charlene, you made me smile! I love to do it as well but I often have one of my kids with me and they are not old enough yet to really sit still and be quite enough. As they get older I am sure they will catch on.
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    Camping on the beach

    I really like to go camping on the beach when there is going to be a star shower. I love getting to lay on the sand and watch all of the shooting stars with my family.
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    Water falls

    I have a waterfall not to far away from me. I love to sit under it and swim in the water. There is something so powerful about the power of where the water falling hits the pool at the bottom.