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  1. B

    "Toughening Up"

    This year, I'd like to start doing some extended hikes---in the range of ten or twelve miles in a day, working up to twenty or so. What's involved in "toughening up" for that?
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    "Tepee" or "Log Cabin"?

    When you start a camp fire, and you arrange your kindling, do you use the "tepee" arrangement, the "log cabin" arrangement, or something else?
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    Back pack weight

    I am wondering if there is any sort of a guideline for how much weight it is safe for a person to carry in a back pack?
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    Deep water fears

    I have a fear of bridges. Even though I know the road going over the water is fine and safe and good, I'm still afraid when I go over one. I do it but I don't like it.
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    I have a friend whose parents were employees in Yellowstone National Park. They were housed right in the park. She talks about taking snow mobiles to get to school. Too cool, or what?
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    Can an average person afford a yacht?

    I say go for the houseboat instead. Maintenance yes, but no grass to cut, no snow to shovel, very few furnishings required. It could be good!
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    Why do you fish?

    For me it's not so much why I fish, it's more like what would happen if I didn't fish. I fish so I can see my husband. If I didn't fish, I wouldn't see much of him!!
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    Any Fly Fishermen?

    Sounds like you like fly fishing quite a bit better than spin fishing? What is it about fly fishing that you enjoy so much? Does it have anything to do with the kind of fish you're after?
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    Major influence?

    I grew up in the mid-west. When I was a college student, I had a chance to go on exchange to a school in Idaho. From then on I was smitten! I graduated from that school in live in Idaho now.
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    Canoe trip for kids

    I never organized one, but I went on one when I was 13. There were 4 adults very experienced with canoeing, one in each of 4 canoes, and 8 girls. We met each Saturday for 8 weeks ahead of time so we could all be schooled up. It was the best!
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    Camp coffee

    For me coffee in the morning is a true necessity. 'What have you found to be the best ways to brew some decent coffee while camping?
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    Using a "space blanket"

    I think one of the all time best items to have on a camping excursion is a "space blanket". Mine really saved my butt once while camping at high elevation in the fall.....
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    Warm Socks

    I think there is no substitute for wool while being out in the cold. Wool socks, goves, hats, jackets equal instant warmth for me---even if it gets wet.
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    If you couldn't go hiking, what would you do?

    When I get to the point you describe, I pull out my boots and give them a good cleaning/polishing/waterproofing. After that, it becomes a priority to go hike somewhere!
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    Talking Trash

    I'd like to do more camping off the beaten path. What are the options for dealing with trash when you camp in a "primitive" camping spot (like when backpacking)? Do you have to haul it around with you everywhere?
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    Aversion to dirt

    I know folks missing out on enjoying what the outdoors has to offer simply because they have an aversion to dirt. Once I overcame it, I started having lots more fun!
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    Bright vs. Subdued Eqipment Colors ?

    I like to combine both. The more subdued colors for clothing don't show dirt so much, and the bright colors stand out so you can be seen and found if necessary.
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    Hiking and Mental Health

    We are a part of nature. I think it stirs something very soothing for most people to connect with nature, though many have lost touch with this. Good on your pal!
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    Already making reservations!

    I really dislike the whole reservation system thing, as do lots of people in my area. In the last couple of years, there have been less sites that are reservable. I like that better.
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    Hunting for Meat or for Fun?

    Hunting for "fun" makes no sense to my brain. The thought of stalking and killing for fun just sends a big shiver down my spine.