Search results

  1. S

    Hot dogs!!

    What is your absolute favorite kind of hot dog? My favorite kind of hot dogs I can only find up north. They are bright red and turn the water pink when you boil them. I forget what they are called, but you can find them in the deli case of most grocery stores up in New England and New York...
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    We have a group that meets at a local summer camp every weekend during the fall to practice and get together and do their "Knight stuff"....I love seeing them all dressed up in their finery. It is so cool. I have often wondered how to get involved in one of those groups.
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    hyper active kids

    If you have never had experience living with a child who suffers from ADD/ADHD, you shouldn't judge others who do. You wouldn't tell the parents of a child with autism that all they need is a good spanking. My child has have no idea the turmoil that is ripping these families apart...
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    Packing own bullets

    I agree with Eddie on this one. While some people might get into it because they have a hard to find cartridge, or because they want to save some money, other people get reloading down to a science and it helps with accuracy. :)
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    I used to live up in the Adirondacks, be prepared for snow and lots of it if you are looking to hike it during the winter. Some of the most beautiful scenery in the NorthEast in my humble opinion. Definitely plan a hike around Whiteface, and a visit to Lake Placid is a must. I also have to...
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    Beach camping know hows

    I have always wanted to try beach camping! I see people doing it on commercials and in pictures and it looks so beautiful! I wouldn't even know where to go to be able to camp right on the sand!
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    That is pretty awesome! They are so pretty, aren't they? I have never had much luck seeing them while deep sea fishing....I'm not sure if it's because I am too far up the Eastern Seaboard for them, or if I'm just never in the right place at the right time.
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    Camper Storage

    If you are lucky enough you can keep your camper on your property, but if you don't have the room there are plenty of storage facilities that offer room to store campers and trailers. I also know of several local campgrounds that offer storage over the winter while they are closed. I like the...
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    I hit another one!

    So I hit my third deer this year with my van. I'm starting to think I should call myself a hunter, except I don't use a Winchester, I use a Chrysler. Seriously, though, I am thankful every day for the hunting season that helps to keep the deer population in check because this is getting...
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    Flu shot

    I still have to get our flu shots. Here where we live it's required for school, and I have asthma so I've always gotten it. Rite Aid and CVS offer flu shots and they are cheap.
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    Fell in!

    I don't even want to imagine falling into water when there is snow on the ground. That just sounds too uncomfortable and awful for words! I'm glad you were close to your truck because that could have been serious!
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    Parts for Campers

    Where do you find most (or all) of your parts for your campers when you need them? I know that you need to buy special appliances and doors and other equipment because of the special sizes needed. Where do you get them?
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    Appalachian Trail

    I hike the AT all the time...a leg of it is only a few miles from my house and it's beautiful territory. Our church even provides a hostel for hikers on their way through our area. I have a book about the whole trail with pictures, but I've only hiked the trail near my house.
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    Friends request

    I'm not sure where you are located, but in my area we have large animals (horse, donkeys, alpacas, etc) listed in the classifieds of our local paper all the time, and they never seem to hang around for long, especially if they are priced right. Good luck to your friend.
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    Homemade MRE's much great information in this one thread! I bet homemade MRE's are MUCH better than the government issued ones that I tried before. I will definitely be visiting some of these websites for some ideas!
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    First snow?

    Looks like camping is canceled for the weekend. It was one thing if it was going to be a little chilly. I draw the line at snow. Evidently computer weather models are hinting at an early season snowfall this weekend for the Catskills of New York State. I'm hearing everything from wet flakes...
  17. S

    Pie Iron Cooking

    I bought my pie irons at Walmart for $14 each. They are not top of the line, but I've had them 2 years now and we love them! In the winter time we even use them in our fireplace. They are called "mountain pies" around here (I live in Pennsylvania). They might be called different things...
  18. S

    Venison = gamey

    I do not cook "gamey" venison....especially once we started butchering our own. After my husband gets a deer, it is field dressed and taken immediately to a friends apple farm where they have a huge walk in cooler. The backstraps come home and are immediately marinated for dinner. The deer...