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  1. M

    Camping equipment

    I think you could get by without the hammer. A rock would work. Could get by without the lanterns and flashlights, just go to bed when it gets dark, but they might be nice for safety reasons. Fire works for cooking if you have the right pans. * A way to keep your food cold * Something to...
  2. M

    The one thing you couldn't go without?

    Coffee, I can't live without it anywhere. A pillow, probably could live without it, but would make the trip much nicer Food, of course Matches for a fire Can opener, always seem to need one Something to hold water in case there isn't running water Some pans to cook in A cooler to keep the...
  3. M


    I am a coffee addict. :) You can find the stainless steel percolator in most stores. This is the most common camping method for making coffee. However, if you can get your girlfriend to go along with it the method below is the simplest requiring no equipment other than a cup.
  4. M

    kitchen accidents

    Well, when we camp we often cook by camp fire. It is essential to keep water nearby when doing this. I recently got a reminder of how quickly fire can spread on a dry day. Always make sure you have water quickly accessible a fire just to be safe.
  5. M

    Newbie's to scuba?

    I would love to scuba dive also, but have never done this. My biggest fear is what I might encounter while diving. Is it risky, or are these fears unfounded?
  6. M

    red bull or fruit drink

    I don't drink anything that isn't natural. No soda and no energy drinks. Love fruit juices and freshly squeezed is ideal!
  7. M

    What is your favourite fish?

    Walleye or crappie. I prefer them to bottom feeding fish like catfish.
  8. M

    Which one is your best outdoor games from following and why ?

    Love volleyball, you can string up a net anywhere there are two trees and play. I also like that you don't have to be good at it to have fun.
  9. M

    Anyone know about winter camping ?

    I think she helped you stay warm. :) I can't imagine winter camping. I get cold way too easily. I would be miserable.
  10. M

    Primitive Camping

    Oh, I thought camping without plumbing was the only way to camp. :) If I'm going to have all the luxuries, I don't see the point in "camping." We just have tents, no electricity or running water.
  11. M

    What is your favorite juice?

    Orange mango by santa cruz. love it. pineapple, pear, carrot, apple, celery, it's all good. I'll throw anything in my juicer and make breakfast out of it.
  12. M

    which is your best vegi meal ?

    Oh, you know I just like a mix chopped up very small and grilled or browned a bit. Corn, eggplant, zuchini, potatoes, onions, garlic, throw a bit of anything in with some olive oil or coconut oil. :)
  13. M


    I use my smoker a lot to make chicken. It's much better than baked or roasted chicken. My slow cooker or crockpot cooks most things at 150-180. I never considered that smoking.
  14. M

    Kayak or Canoe?

    I haven't ever tried a kayak, only a canoe. But, after reading this thread, I certainly want to! It sounds like fun!
  15. M


    Yes, if you are in an area that has "chiggers" (very small red bugs barely visible unless you have great eyesight) do not sit in the grass for any length of time and don't allow young children to lie in the grass. That is an invitation to get bitten. They often do not realize they are being...
  16. M

    Cave Tours?

    Haven't been on the "dangerous" ones, but I carried my one and a half year old through a less dangerous one. That was quite a work out by the time it was over.
  17. M

    Managing the current economy?

    I know the economy is poor, but luckily it hasn't crunched our family yet. I've always been a bit frugal, we live well on less than $30,000 a year and have enough to put several hundred extra toward our home loan each month. I garden to save money on food also.
  18. M

    What do you sleep on?

    Up until my mid-twenties, I would just sleep in a tent on the ground with a pillow and sleeping bag. One night, I remember waking up thinking I could feel every pebble on the ground underneath me. Since then, I've used an air mattress.
  19. M

    What ages are appropriate for camping?

    I don't think it depends on the age, so much as the specific child and the location you are camping in. Some areas have additional concerns snakes, gators, etc that you wouldn't have everywhere. The child should always know about the safety concerns and be cautious and appropriate before...