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  1. GROUNDpounder

    Suggestions for Used Pop-ups?

    ^ Great advice, same goes with used cars!
  2. GROUNDpounder

    Copper Socks

    DOD issue Army socks have 5% silver thread in them to kill bacteria, they work really well but are damn warm so you'll sweat like crazy in the summer.
  3. GROUNDpounder


    Spray the tent with bug spray :(, its stinky but it will work. Make sure they aren't on your clothing or your body when you go to get in the tent if you do indeed camp in a tent.
  4. GROUNDpounder

    propane or naphtha?

    They have single burner stoves at chinamart for about 15$'s in the camping section that run on one of those tiny propane tanks and are fully adjustable insofar as flame\heat goes.
  5. GROUNDpounder

    Frozen Waterfalls

    Niagara falls are the only 'falls' I have seen while frozen. Not to many water falls in PA unfortunately.
  6. GROUNDpounder

    Suggestions for Used Pop-ups?

    Check to see if the zippers have been waxed, if they look worn ask the person selling them if they have ever waxed the zippers (maintenance price drop right there) unless they are plastic zippers. Check to see if the fabric is torn.
  7. GROUNDpounder

    Warmest Tent

    Easiest cheapest way that I've found is to throw a tarp over the whole tent and tie it down with stakes. It helps hold the warmer air in the tent thus keeping you less cold. The ground is an enemy when tenting so make sure you have plenty of layers between you and the dirt!
  8. GROUNDpounder

    Metal detectors

    ^ If you have fields in your area go ask the farmers, see if its ok if you walk around and look for things. Buy a metal detector tuned for gold and look for meteorites they can fetch a damn good price :). Oh and don't forget to carry a magnet! PUBLIC beaches and you can't use a metal detector...
  9. GROUNDpounder

    Spider Bites

    You should take care to clean your toe\foot that's been bitten, rubbing alcohol to sterilize the area to prevent infection. Personally I've been bitten by tons of spiders and never had a reaction, but I break out with poison ivy haha.... I carry an eppy pen with me just in case, Epinephrine is a...
  10. GROUNDpounder

    Knife Sharpeners

    Not sure what the name is but you can find the thing at a local Tractor supply for about 10$. Its got a plastic knuckle guard and a handle, best sharpener that's quick and easy that I've found! Takes the burrs off old blades and sharpens it to a shaving edge.
  11. GROUNDpounder

    Iodine tabs

    Eh Chlorine :barf: I HATE the taste of chlorine :(, but I HATE water shooting out of both ends at the same time so :tinysmile_fatgrin_t haha... I prefer charcoal filter then boiling. But I have used the iodine tablets, oh and you can use those for radiation sickness :).
  12. GROUNDpounder


    Youtube (deadfall trap) YouTube - Making a Figure 4 Deadfall Trap - (Nuisance Squirrel = Dead Squirrel)
  13. GROUNDpounder

    Best camping drink for you !

    Depends but normally in the morning its coffee, afternoon cool water :) (I don't drink energy drinks while I'm out on the trail for obvious reasons), in the evening more coffee or an alcoholic beverage :).
  14. GROUNDpounder


    If anything you should have grabbed two sticks and carried it away from the camp. :tinysmile_hmm_t: No sense in killing something if you don't have to IMO.
  15. GROUNDpounder

    Food Plots

    Not sure where you are but out here its called baiting and illegal :P. But yes, deer in my area LOVE to eat young corn plants, the leafs I guess are very sweet to them.
  16. GROUNDpounder

    What'sthe one thing you don't go into the great outdoors without?

    I place both in a zip lock bag that is water proof, after-all who wants soggy common sense :tinysmile_tongue_t:.
  17. GROUNDpounder

    Getting close to a bear.

    I carry a weapon with me weather I'm camping in a camp ground or out hiking in the hills, regardless I would rather be a live than a pile of poo. Having said that, I take precautions to make myself heard, seen or smelled. I tie my stuff up and out of the way. I have seen 2 bears within 100ft...
  18. GROUNDpounder


    Les Stroud caught a snow shoe hair with one on the show 'survivorman'. Its possible you just need a bit of luck and a dash of skill. Personally the first thing I would make is a shelter then scout out the area for game trails and make a snare or dead fall.
  19. GROUNDpounder

    New freshwater shrimp species discovered at Great Basin National Park

    We've been walking the earth for about 20,000 yrs and still don't know what lies beneath our feet. Nice find!
  20. GROUNDpounder


    I took out a bunny at about 70 last week. Its just darwin's way to thinning the herd :) haha.