Search results

  1. R

    Mouth Frozen shut LOL

    LOL! That's a cute story for a father to tell his daughter. Of course that's why they didn't catch anything! If only men's mouths reacted the same way to cold weather! ;)
  2. R

    Biking safety

    Wow, I wish we had biking lanes in our area. I've lived here my entire life and have seen maybe 2 biking lanes in the entire city.
  3. R


    Has anyone ever tried cooking with a charbroiler? I love the idea of fried meat without the oil. Does it taste as good a deep frying?
  4. R

    Eating more

    I think sometimes we eat just because it is something to do. When you are working you don't have near as much time to eat as you do on vacation.
  5. R

    I don't understand...

    That's terrible! I understand killing for the meat, but for fun...that's just cruel! I personally couldn't ever kill anything, but I don't mind eating someone else's dirty work. =)
  6. R

    Looking forward to fun times

    A good friend of mine just got a new boat...yeah!! I love being out on the boat. What's better than owning your own boat...having a friend that owns one! :tinysmile_twink_t2:
  7. R

    Pregnant hiking?

    It really depends on the person. I know when I was pregnant, even when I didn't show, I got winded VERY easy. It is important that she stay hydrated!
  8. R

    How do you cook food on a rock?

    In areas that get high temperatures you can crack an egg on a rock and it will fry nicely. I'm sure you could heat the rock using the camp fire.
  9. R

    Dealing with harsh weather

    How do you prepare yourself for harsh weather, mainly cold temperatures? I've always done most of my camping in the summer and I don't want to forget anything.
  10. R

    Jerky Seasoning

    I have never made any type of jerky before. How exactly do you do it? Is it difficult to do? It sounds like it tastes great!
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    I'm not that big of a fan of them. They are okay, but I think I prefer raisins. I do like craisins in my salad though!
  12. R

    Nephew wants fishing stuff for Christmas

    If he's just starting out you can just get him a simple rod and some bait. You don't want to spend a lot on it if he isn't really going to get into it.
  13. R

    Great deal

    Wow! I prefer shopping online too...not big on all the crowds, but I did get out to grab a few items I really wanted.
  14. R

    Ear pressure

    Ouch! I never had a problem with it as a child. I've tried to relieve the pressure by holding my nose and blowing, but it doesn't seem to help.
  15. R

    Great deal

    If you are big on camping and are thinking about getting a new tent...Amazon has a great Black Friday sale, but it is today only and there is a time limit. Hurry up!
  16. R

    Do you prefer a Trek or a Hike?

    Sounds like fun, but I think if someone invited me on a "trek" I wouldn't expect getting in the water either. I prefer treks, but they aren't for everyone.
  17. R

    Favorite place to hike

    Do you go to national parks or other hiking sites to go hiking or do you go exploring in areas where there is no defined path?
  18. R

    Animals you encounter on a hike

    I think the scariest and most interesting thing I have seen was a mountain lion! Fortunately, it was very far away, but you can bet I left immediately!
  19. R

    Have you ever ridden a bull?

    Does a mechanical bull count? =) I have ridden one of those before, but I didn't stay on very long!
  20. R

    Has Anyone Ever Been Mugged On A Hike?

    I've never had a problem with it. I like to think that it is more of a problem at parks because their is a higher volume of people.