Search results

  1. P

    Do your kids enjoy camping as much as you?

    My kids, I would have to say, actually enjoy it more than me. Let's face it, for them it's all an adventure. Even the work part of it, setting up and tearing down camp, they enjoy (me not so much).
  2. P

    Bear Grylls new show

    I like Bear and used to like watch Man vs Wild, so I will probably check this show out. My brother used to critique the show because he said his survival was never in question with the camera crew and medical team on the sideline. I just thought it was cool watching him navigate the different...
  3. P

    Digging up your own bait.

    My husband thinks it would be fun to take our son out and dig for worms for bait to take on our next camping trip. Does anyone actually spend the time to do this? Is it hard to keep them alive? (Can you tell I have no fishing experience whatsoever?:tinysmile_hmm_t:)
  4. P

    Under the sky

    No, I have never slept out of the tent. I really don't like bugs that much, so just thinking about it would probably have me tossing and turning. I am thinking about for our next tent purchase, to get one that has the flaps you can open on top to be able to look at the sky.
  5. P

    Hunting for Mushrooms

    I used to work with a guy who went out mushroom hunting every year and he was quite successful at it, too! He'd find them and my friend would cook with them, and I'd just be the happy and grateful recipient of their efforts.
  6. P

    Tell me about two way radios.

    After going to a site where we had no cell phone reception, my husband suggested we get a set of two way radios. I know very little about what to look for. What are your suggestions? Do you have a model you really like?
  7. P

    Disney's Oceans

    This new documentary came out on Earth Day and I'm really wanting to go and see it. The previews I've seen just look amazing and I think it would be awesome to see on a big screen. Has anyone here seen this film or is planning on see it?
  8. P

    How Long Is Your Vacation?

    We spend about 10 to 15 days camping each year over 3 to 5 trips. Normally our camping trips are short but sweet. As the kids have gotten older, working around their schedules has become more of an issue.
  9. P

    Radio by the campfire

    We bring a radio with us when we go camping. I find that having some music playing keeps the kids from trying to put their Ipods on. Then I can actually talk to them and they hear and respond to me.:tinysmile_hmm_t:
  10. P


    We do basically the same, slice them up, put them in foil with some butter, chopped onions, garlic, and salt and pepper. The family loves them and it's easy.
  11. P


    No, I would never pick up a hitch-hiker. Maybe it's having watched to many late night movies or just all the horror stories on the evening news, but it's just too big of a risk these days to pick up someone I don't know.
  12. P

    A soap that keeps the mosquitos away?

    I've been looking for ways other than bug spray to keep away the mosquitos and came across a product called Herberia. It's a soap that has natural oils that repel mosquitos. Has anyone here tried this product?
  13. P

    Back To Work

    Well, hopefully things won't get too crazy for you. If we don't see you posting too much, I'm hoping you'll be able to get out there are enjoy the nice weather coming.
  14. P

    Getting sick

    I started coming down with a cold a couple of days before one trip. The hubby started to consider canceling, so I said I was fine so the kids wouldn't be disappointed. By the first morning on site my muscles were aching and I was feeling lousy. Fortunately my husband took control and I zonked...
  15. P

    What Is The One Thing?

    I am completely with you on the air mattress. For me it's a matter of being able to move in the morning. I slept on the ground once and wasn't able to get the kinks out until after lunch.:tinysmile_hmm_t2:
  16. P

    Have you ever found a tick?

    We always check each other for ticks after we go on a hike. So far we have been lucky and not found anything. Has anyone here ever found a tick after hiking?
  17. P

    Dealing With The Heat

    We try and go someplace that we can enjoy some water activities during the day. That's always a good way to cool off. Other than that, dressing in light colors and drinking lots of water.
  18. P

    Favorite time of the year

    Personally, I like early summer to mid summer, before it's gets really hot and sticky. The kids however like the hot, mid to end of summer, because that's best for the water activities.
  19. P


    I don't drink when we go camping, but I don't really drink that much, period. My husband though makes sure to pack enough beer to at least have a couple (or so:tinysmile_twink_t:) each evening. It's a vacation, right?
  20. P

    My cabin fever has broke.

    The weather in the midwest has been gorgeous and the family and I have been able to get out and play! A little softball and frisbee, we had a good time. Anyone else get out and enjoy this beautiful Spring weather? :tinysmile_fatgrin_t