Search results

  1. B

    Root "vegetable" plants

    Thanks for that suggestion, both look like really good purchases. I want to try to introduce something wild to our diets this year at least monthly, this should help.
  2. B

    Root "vegetable" plants

    We were having a discussion last night at supper, I know you can eat cat tails and burdock root as a replacement for root vegetables, are there any other that grow in the wilds?
  3. B


    I am not bad at all, happy to be seeing the snow going. I don't care for trekking in the snow as I don't own snowshoes, yet! I plan to purchase some soon though.
  4. B

    How is your weather?

    We have had a bout of nice weather lately but I guess we are in for some rain tonight and tomorrow and snow again the weekend. I am tired of Winter, I want Spring already.
  5. B

    2 burner stoves

    I am in the market for a new 2 burner stove for when we go camping. Do you have a brand preference. We have always had a Coleman, but are there any new ones on the market?
  6. B


    It is within driving distance from where I am. New Brunswick is not that big of a place. I have heard of it, I need to be a more advanced hiker before I attempt anything like that.
  7. B

    Raw fish

    I like smoked fish, it is my favorite way to eat it on Sushi, it is not really cooked, but it is...I am not sure exactly how smoking does it, but is doesn't have that raw texture anymore.
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    First Aid Supplies

    I am like that, everything has a place to be put and it cannot be out of that place, I have a wee bit of OCD.
  9. B

    Any avid Spelunkers?

    Are there any avid Spelunkers on here? I have a fascination for finding fossils, there is a fossil deposit near my house, I still find things there. Love it!
  10. B

    what a deal!

    That is a fantastic deal. I did that once with a pack, it was missing a small "part" so I got it reduced and on clearance, it was last year's model, got home and opened it up, the "missing part" was inside~
  11. B


    I am from Canada, Eastern part, New Brunswick to be exact, we have some beautiful parks and such here, no place like home to roam.
  12. B

    Home Survival

    That is a very informative piece of information. When we build our new house I want to build a storage space to store extra veggies and extra food and water and such. I like to be prepared.
  13. B


    I am Betsy and I am new to the site, avid camper and outdoors woman. Hope to meet some like minded people and maybe learn some new skills.