Doomsday Preppers


Well-Known Member
:tinysmile_twink_t2::tinysmile_twink_t2:WARNING; I’m about to burst your doomsday bubble for all you doomsdayers out there-

There have been about 514 Leap Years since Caesar created it in 45BC. Without the extra day every 4 years, today would be July 28, 2013.:tinysmile_hmm_t:

Also the Mayan calendar did not account for leap year….so technically the world should have ended 7 months ago.:tinysmile_fatgrin_t:tinysmile_fatgrin_t
I read that the Mayan calender could be off from 50 to 150 years. I also read that the calender re-sets itself, and has done it many times. So there's no real end. I guess 12-21-2012 is a re-set day.


fear no beer
I read that the Mayan calender could be off from 50 to 150 years. I also read that the calender re-sets itself, and has done it many times. So there's no real end. I guess 12-21-2012 is a re-set day.
I bought all those fireworks for nuttin then?


Valhalla, I am coming
The Southwestern Deserts
:tinysmile_twink_t2::tinysmile_twink_t2:WARNING; I’m about to burst your doomsday bubble for all you doomsdayers out there-

There have been about 514 Leap Years since Caesar created it in 45BC. Without the extra day every 4 years, today would be July 28, 2013.:tinysmile_hmm_t:

Also the Mayan calendar did not account for leap year….so technically the world should have ended 7 months ago.:tinysmile_fatgrin_t:tinysmile_fatgrin_t
Not so fast everyone. Before you all think you aren’t going to need all that party food for one last wingding and eat it all up while watching the late show tonight or blow up all those fireworks after getting tanked up next weekend, you might want to listen to this first.

Last night I was looking at an area in my Hiking Death Valley book by Michel Digonnet. The area is Perdido Canyon. In that canyon there are some very old Devonian Period fossils and one of them is the Horn Coral. The shell is made of lime secreted by the animal as the seasons rotate and it has annual circular grooves kind of like tree rings. But that is not all. In the 1960s an American geologist found many smaller rings, each marking one day in that animals life. The kicker is, there were 395 days in a year 400 million years ago and it wasn’t because the year was longer. The earth was spinning faster with a day only lasting 22 hours. Physicists have made these predictions for a long time that the earth is continually slowing down from the friction caused by Earth's surface and the ocean tides. So one fine day our little rock we call home is going to come to a standstill with one side frying and the other freezing. Better be ready for both I reckon because this is going to be like one big roulette wheel. Place your bets, keep the party food at the ready and keep those fireworks close at hand.

So if it ain’t one thing its another. And just in case those Mayan fellers were right I have a great spot picked out to watch the last sunset with one big last party. If their calendar does flip over and start again then no harm no foul. We just all wake up and keep on a goin’.


Well-Known Member
We and along with our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and God knows how many generations will pass before the Earth put's on the brakes!


Goatneck, Texas
:tinysmile_twink_t2::tinysmile_twink_t2:WARNING; I’m about to burst your doomsday bubble for all you doomsdayers out there-

There have been about 514 Leap Years since Caesar created it in 45BC. Without the extra day every 4 years, today would be July 28, 2013.:tinysmile_hmm_t:

Also the Mayan calendar did not account for leap year….so technically the world should have ended 7 months ago.:tinysmile_fatgrin_t:tinysmile_fatgrin_t

Damn, I missed it!!



Valhalla, I am coming
The Southwestern Deserts
We and along with our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and God knows how many generations will pass before the Earth put's on the brakes!

By then the Sun, our local star might not even be burning any more. All stars have a life span and ours most likely has another 4 or 5 billion years before it either expands enough to blow off all the oceans along with the atmosphere or just quietly burns out and everything goes into deep freeze. The supergiants are the ones that go super nova. Our is a dwarf main sequence star.

Maybe its time to move...


New Member
Mt Rogers Virginia

By then the Sun, our local star might not even be burning any more. All stars have a life span and ours most likely has another 4 or 5 billion years before it either expands enough to blow off all the oceans along with the atmosphere or just quietly burns out and everything goes into deep freeze. The supergiants are the ones that go super nova. Our is a dwarf main sequence star.

Maybe its time to move...
you mean I need to continue to stock pile food to last 4 or 5 billion years? Oh boy!!! One years worth is not going to be close.


Valhalla, I am coming
The Southwestern Deserts
you mean I need to continue to stock pile food to last 4 or 5 billion years? Oh boy!!! One years worth is not going to be close.
I’m only good for a few months. It must be in my blood. Any backpack, we always take way more food than we need. I never bought into the arguments that one can live with no food for weeks. We are lean backpackers, not rotund couch potatoes. Lean backpackers have no reserves. When we lived in North Dakota up on the border my folks had to go to the base over a hundred miles south at Minot for supplies. They stockpiled a ton of food in the basement. I don’t know how many months it was but a couple of Mormons on the Rez were real impressed. When I ran away for the last time at 16 years old, I filled the trunk of my car with that food to grubstake my start and it didn’t even dint their supply. It was a big trunk too, ’64 Biscayne Chevy.


I'm Out Wandering Around
you mean I need to continue to stock pile food to last 4 or 5 billion years? Oh boy!!! One years worth is not going to be close.
Here's some food for thought...We are still in the very beginning of the universe:

"A red dwarf with the mass of Proxima Centauri will remain on the main sequence for about four trillion years. As the proportion of helium increases because of hydrogen fusion, the star will become smaller and hotter, gradually transforming from red to blue. Near the end of this period it will become significantly more luminous, reaching 2.5% of the Sun's luminosity and warming up any orbiting bodies for a period of several billion years. Once the hydrogen fuel is exhausted, Proxima Centauri will then evolve into a white dwarf (without passing through the red giant phase) and steadily lose any remaining heat energy.[16]"

Proxima Centauri - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Goatneck, Texas
Here's some food for thought...We are still in the very beginning of the universe:

"A red dwarf with the mass of Proxima Centauri will remain on the main sequence for about four trillion years. As the proportion of helium increases because of hydrogen fusion, the star will become smaller and hotter, gradually transforming from red to blue. Near the end of this period it will become significantly more luminous, reaching 2.5% of the Sun's luminosity and warming up any orbiting bodies for a period of several billion years. Once the hydrogen fuel is exhausted, Proxima Centauri will then evolve into a white dwarf (without passing through the red giant phase) and steadily lose any remaining heat energy.[16]"

Proxima Centauri - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So. do we need sunblock or warmer clothes?