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  1. F

    Foods you will never see again

    Guys they still sell Big League Chew. I've seen it at several places, the most recent being at the candy store at the mall. They also had the candy cigerettes there, but I didn't see the cigars. I don't know if any of you remember Razzle's, but I saw them too. They come in a new modern package.
  2. F

    Foods you will never see again

    I remember the chips and the hearts. I never liked the chips, but the hearts were really good. I'd shove a bunch in my mouth. Two things I miss also are those long red liquorice ropes. I use to get them at my basketball games after at the concession stand. Also those Jolly Rancher sticks. Now...
  3. F

    Foods you will never see again

    I've actually never seen popcorn balls sold in a store. I only knew they existed because it was a recipe that my grandmother cooked up for every Christmas. I wasn't aware that other people knew of them. I agree about the Gatorgum, Michelle. What a shame they stopped producing it.
  4. F

    Too late for snowboarding?

    Maybe I should just take your hint about never going back. It could save me some pain. :tinysmile_twink_t: I really want to try it though. A 78 year old was in an Ironman Triathlon? That is nuts considering many of the people I know that age can't hardly even walk. I guess he has taken care...
  5. F

    Too late for snowboarding?

    I'm in my early 30's and I know that's not old, but do you think it's a little late for learning to snowboard? The only people I see out there doing it is kids and younger adults. I can't recall ever seeing an older person out there. I don't need to try it on a huge mountain or anything because...
  6. F

    Foods you will never see again

    I saw an article of 25 foods you will never see again that were once produced. These kinds of things bring back memories of things I use to like. They had that Crystal Clear Pepsi on the list. I had forgotten that existed. I loved Butterfinger BB's, but they don't produce them anymore. One that...
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    Bass Pro Shop

    I've been in Gander Mountain, and it didn't compare to the Bass Pro Shops I was in before. This store is set up beautifuly and is truly for the outdoors person. Don't get me wrong, they are all good stores, but I just loved the experience at Bass Pro Shops though.
  8. F

    Layaway is back!

    So what do you guys think about layaway making a comeback? Do you see it as good for the consumer or just a ploy for retailers to try and make more money like opening up at midnight on Thanksgiving? About the only good thing I read in an article about it is that it will keep the kids from...
  9. F

    Rude people at work

    How do you deal with people at work you think are your friend and then they snap at you over something stupid. I was giving away damaged baby wipes to the old ladies at work and they got mad because they wanted them all. I don't think they ever heard of sharing.
  10. F

    Can, Powdered or Regular Milk?

    I've very picky when it comes to drinking milk. I'll only drink 2% and it has to be from a certain store. I just can't stand any other kind of milk. My mother use to get that powdered milk from the government center when we were kids. I hated it.
  11. F

    Smartphone GPS

    Does anyone use GPS on their phone here? How accurate are they. Could you use it in place of a regular one that sticks to the window in your car? Also I've heard of a feature you can use to mark where your car is parked and then it will track that location so you can always find your way back...
  12. F

    Kids that don't think

    Today was the second time in the past 6 months that some kids decided it would be cool to pull the fire alarm in my complex building. So we had to deal with the deafening sound of the alarm and our pets going crazy until the fire department showed up for a prank again.
  13. F


    Have you ever hiked in areas that have nice waterfalls and clear water that you could swim in? I have a close friend that has pictures from when he was in South America down in Venezuela and they are some of the most awesome places I've seen pictures of. While it was hot out, he said that water...
  14. F

    Traditional Christmas meal or different?

    My family has always cooked a turkey on Christmas or a ham. I prefer a ham, but I wouldn't be opposed to chicken either. I wouldn't want to have pasta or anything like that though. I have an Italian friend that has a buffet of pasta items for Christmas.
  15. F

    Choice..camping or cruise?

    I'd go with the cruise all the way. I've been on a Christmas cruise before and it was awesome. Camping just doesn't sit right with me for Christmas. I want to enjoy the parties and festivities instead of being in the middle of no where.
  16. F

    Counceling session

    Counseling session I needed to cancel my appointment for a counseling session and I thought they would just bill my insurance since I'm using free sessions through them, but they are going to charge me personally. They told me it's illegal to do it the way I suggested, but I've done it with...
  17. F

    Crockpot Venison Roast

    That sounds like a venison stew. Very delicious sounding. Have any of you ever mixed venison with ground beef? I've had burgers like that before and they were pretty good. I love garlic on everything so the crock pot recipe sounds very nice.
  18. F

    Which is your favorite outdoor activity?

    I pretty much like anything having to do with the outdoors and nature. I love traveling to new places and seeing things in the wilderness. I love animals and great landscapes. I hope to one day go to Alaska.
  19. F

    Kids on Golf Carts and Mules

    I wasn't even allowed to operate the stove or lawn mower at those ages let alone any kind of motor vehicle. I don't know if it was good parenting or not by my parents, but I'm a respectable driver on anything I drive today. I do see a lot of idiots out there though.
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    Camping and Weapons

    I've never brought weapons for the purpose of safety. I guess I haven't really thought of that. I've always brought a knife or some pellet guns. If there is a place to target practice, I'll bring my .22 with me.