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  1. F

    What Was Your Best Trip?

    My favorite trip had to be an Alaskan cruise I took a couple years back. The wild life I saw I saw in the ocean as well as on land during shore excursions were just incredible. It was probably the best vacation I've ever had. I'd love to go to Alaska without being on a ship sometime.
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    I've seen them kind of close up. I was in a car driving in the Florida Keys to go fishing and the traffic was so backed up that some guy got out of his car and actually went and pee'd by the shore. There were two manatees that surfaced right in front of him in the water. It was funny that they...
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    Space Between Your Back And The Bag

    I don't really have a concern with a sweaty back as I'd sweating everywhere if I was back packing, but I'd like to see pictures of what exactly you're talking about. Do you have a link or just the picture of what you saw?
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    ATV Racing

    Please wear a lot of protection and be careful. After all the precautions and safety concerns have a blast. I've never raced them, but I've ridden casually just for fun. They are a great time.
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    Dream car?

    Are you guys all sure this isn't your dream car? :P This is a picture I took while driving home from work. It's a Hello Kitty "Smart Car". You know those tiny little cars that look like you could pick them up and put them in your pick-up truck or something. The Hello Kitty car is gone so...
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    Building Forts

    As a kid I use to be into fort building any chance I could. I've made some nice forts inside my house, but the better ones were in the backyard. Thankfully my parents weren't too strict to let me camp outside in them with my friends. What is it with boys and forts? I guess it's a home away from...
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    Ever hunted alligator?

    Hey if you don't happen to get one while out hunting, you can always drive that strip of road called "Alligator Alley" that goes from the east coast to the west coast of Florida through the Everglades. You can stop by a roadkilled alligator and take a picture holding it to show off. Make sure...
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    Events and Adventures

    Has anyone ever heard of the service called Events and Adventures. It's supposed to be a nationwise company that puts together trips or outings with singles where you have a chance to do great outdoors type things while meeting other singles as well. I was just wondering what the turn out is for...
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    Dynamite Fishing

    That doesn't sound like my idea of the sport of fishing. Sounds more dangerous than anything. I guess you wouldn't have to gut the fish because they'd already be gone. Even if it was legal, I think it sounds stupid.
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    Converted Schoolbus

    I've never heard of a school bus turned into a blind for hunting. He can sit on the toilet while lining up a shot on a buck. :P I'm just joking with you. It does sound pretty neat. If the dear don't come to him, he can drive to them. :)
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    Lakes low

    Where I live, our lake was extremely low. We basically had beach front property for a while during the dry season. Now with the rainy season, all of the sand is completely submerged again. Gentle Ben, is that basically the heavy feeling I get in my chest when I get in a pool and it's a...
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    Are there any fellow golfers here? Though I love the sport and skill it takes to do well, what I love most is just being out on the beautiful golf course in nature. I get a feeling of calm and no worries when I'm out there.
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    Eating What Nature Provides

    I would only look to do that if I got lost or stranded. Really, there is no point to do it unless you really really want to. I have eaten oranges and mangos right from trees if that counts though. Oranges are really good when they are green.
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    I didn't realize it either! I saw it so much in movies or tv when I was growing up that I was deathly afraid of it. I'm not sure what I'd do if I ever stepped into it. Hopefully there would be a branch nearby to grab onto or I'd be history.
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    warm ups?

    I think you only need to stretch if you are doing a lot of violent and fast movements with your muscles. Whether you're a believer or not it can help you perform better and prevent injury. For hiking I wouldn't worry about it.
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    Autumn Camping Dont's

    I don't really think there are any precautions other than the one mentioned above about being prepared for the cool temperatures. Maybe I could add, don't set the leaves on fire or something. Although I do love the smell of them burning. :P
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    Bottled water or Campground water?

    I will bring several jugs of filtered water if I'm going camping. If that runs out, it's usually okay, because there is always a store in the campground, or one nearby that I can pick up some bottled water.
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    Scuba diving the Florida Keys

    Has anyone done any diving down in the Florida Keys? I'd like to know how the water is there if it's pretty clear and what they have in the way of reefs. Would that be the best area in Florida for a trip with diving?
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    S'mores without chocolate

    Well I'd never eat a smore without chocolate because it just wouldn't be a smore to me, but I can understand. I actually do enjoy roasting a marshmallow and eating it burn't right off the stick, so I imagine just putting it between a graham cracker wouldn't be so bad. You are in the minority...
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    Halloween camping

    This sounds awesome. I've never done anything like that for Halloween. I usually have a tradition of going to a small party and returning home early to watch Halloween movies with Michael Myers and eat a bunch of candy. BikerJoe, that was a funny comment! :tinysmile_fatgrin_t