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  1. F

    Black Friday successful?

    This sounds like a perfect plan. That way you got to avoid the mess of people and all the people you bought for can get what they want. If only more people thought that way. :tinysmile_twink_t2:
  2. F

    we have to head out!

    Ok, you're making me want more Thanksgiving dinners again! We had two very delicious meals yesterday. I'm not going to do a thing to work it off either. I'm going to make it a Blockbuster night with some popcorn though. You're free to join. :tinysmile_tongue_t:
  3. F

    Swimming still

    What about hot tubs then? I know folks in the winter time up north will go in their hot tubs in the middle of winter with 2 feet of snow on the ground. The only problem I'd have with that is when you get out of the heat and have that air hit me.
  4. F

    Black Friday is like the jungle

    The shopping was nuts today. It's not a time for joy for many, it's a time for greed and being rude. I don't get why people have to act like some kind of wild animal just to save a few bucks. You can still save money and not push and shove people out of the way. I think it was silly for stores...
  5. F

    Would You Eat Human?

    People can say they would or wouldn't, but I think many people really wouldn't know unless they were forced with that kind of situation where they were desperate. I myself say no, but that's only because I watch those survival shows that show me what to eat if you're stranded. :tinysmile_twink_t2:
  6. F

    Ham glaze

    I'm not really sure of the exact recipes, but I am very fond of ham on Thanksgiving and have had many different kinds. One of my favorites I've had is some kind of brown sugar mix. It gives great flavor to the ham. Maybe you could look that up. The house I'm going to this year will have one done...
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    I think already cooked rolls or the crescents that come in a plastic container are the best bet. I too love rolls, but I don't see how you can cook them unless you have an oven. I'd be interested if anyone has some ideas on your question though.
  8. F

    Christmas lights out!

    I put mine up last night with my girlfriend inside. I usually wait until after Thanksgiving to put the Christmas decorations up, but my girlfriend will be leaving in the middle of December to go back home until January so we are celebrating together now.
  9. F

    Bear In Supermarket

    That's too funny! Good one. :P I've never seen a Grizzly in person, but I'd probably poop myself too if I stumbled upon one. They seem so fierce! Aside from the health concerns of a bear walking on produce, it's actually pretty cute.
  10. F

    Electric or not?

    Do you prefer to camp and a place or campground that has electric access or no? For me, I really don't care. It is convenient, but when I'm camping I just want to get away from everything. I don't need a reason to charge my cell phone if there is no plug. :P
  11. F

    Hunting For Food

    I've hunted one time for sport and I didn't like it. I actually am more of an animal lover. I eat meat of course, but I don't see the animal being slaughtered. I don't have a problem with hunters as I have plenty of them in my family and will gladly eat their kills, but me personally killing one...
  12. F

    Got a whole gang of turkeys

    Hey, at least you're ethical Roy. I know some boys that would be out there trying to shoot them regardless of what season it is. Anyhow, so is that how you go about getting your Thanksgiving turkey then? Or do you get it from a grocery store?
  13. F

    Campfire conversation

    When you're gathered around a campfire with a group of people, whether it's friends or family, are there any topics of conversation you try to avoid or is it anything goes for you? This is for the ones that aren't drunk of course, because for the people that are drunk, I already know the answer...
  14. F

    Steve Jobs passed away.

    It's a shame because he was such a visionary and really still young at 56 years of age. He impacted a lot of people's lives with his creations. I think he will be remembered for a very long time for the ones that knew who he was.
  15. F

    Mini Submarine

    I was browsing a luxury buyer's catalog with boats, called Dupont Regristry, and I came across these little personal submarines. How cool would it be to explore some coral reefs with something like that! I'm not sure how safe they are and there wasn't a price tag, but I can't imagine they are cheap.
  16. F

    Largest Shark?

    I saw a documentary that said the Megaladon shark may still exist. I don't get how they can even talk about that kind of shark exisiting without having proof. To make a documentary about it without any pictures is just silly. I did see an article recently about the whale shark. Apparently a...
  17. F

    Gas Prices

    It looks like gas prices are finally coming down thankfully! The price is 3.43 dollars a gallon where I live. I haven't seen that in so long it seems. I hope it continues and gets down in the 2's!
  18. F

    New bow at an awesome price

    You can't fault him for his excitement with his new toy. I remember my step-father was the same way when he got a new gun in his cabinet. When he got his .44 Magnum, it was like he won the lottery or something.
  19. F

    Watching the debate

    Watching a lot of promises being made when nothing for the citizens ever gets done is kind of pointless to watch. Put someone up there that says, no more spending on useless garbage, and I'll tune in.
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    Doomsday Preppers

    I think that anything can happen to the Earth. Heck, a meteor could strike and take us all out. Those kinds of doomsday shows fascinate me. I don't live in fear at all, but I just try to keep an open mind about what possiblities there are.