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    Bud they can be quite ferocious and a handful to catch. I do believe they have traced the lineage of gars back to prehistoric days or such.
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    I would recommend a water proof camera as something to get for this adventure. I am sure you will really enjoy this class and then being prepared to go alone. Lucky you!
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    It really depends on what you catch. You have really missed out on something fun and amazing by not going. The different variety of fish you can catch will amaze you.
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    Meeting People

    I remember camping once and meeting this really interesting couple. I have always been skiddish when it came to meeting complete strangers out in the woods or even on a campground. I was glad I met them since she has been my best friend for the last ten years. Do you meet people like this when...
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    Bread Crumbs

    When you go out hiking in an unknown territory do you use anything to flag your way back? Before GPS especially. What did you use to help find your way back to where you started?
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    Myth or Fact

    Refrigerator that is some great information on snakes. I actually did know most of these things since I raise and breed them. I don't mess with the venomous kind but enjoy working with my snakes.
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    Guns and kids

    In my family even us females were taught to shoot at a young age. I believe it really depends on the family how safe it is. I would not have a gun with my first marriage because he was an abusive alcoholic and if he didn't shoot me, I may have shot him.
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    Visiting The Zoo or Wild Parks

    I believe it would depend on if I was bringing my children along with me. If not then I would love to go to a wildlife park and see things in their natural habitat. I would be afraid my girls would try to catch or feed a bear!
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    Group or Just Family

    When you go camping do you prefer to get a whole group of friends and family together or do you prefer to take just your immediate family on these outings?
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    Camping With a Handicap

    I love to go camping and have recently developed a few health issues that make it hard to do so. This is why when I go I have to bring so much with me. I am on a sleep apnea machine and have COPD which makes all the fun things I used to love almost unbearable. What would you do if you were in my...
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    How Easy it is to get Lost

    Oldsarge I do not envy you that experience and can't blame you for making sure you are always prepared. I doubt I would have survived it.
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    Water Slides

    I remember when I was a teen going to a campground that had an awesome water slide. Unfortunately, it has closed down and I can't take my kids. Does anyone know of a place that has really great water slides?
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    Ghost Stories

    Does anyone still sit around the camp fire and tell ghost stories? Do you have any good ones to share? Did you have nightmares after?
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    Air Mattress

    That was very kind and considerate of him. I understand your feelings as far as that goes too, but most of the older generations have it bred in them to be kind and show women gentleness.
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    Pulled Over On Your Bike?

    LoL @ YogiBear. I have often wondered if they could pull the older people over on their lil carts or scooters that they ride. I almost got hit by one the other day walking and have seen him riding on the road or in the bike lane before.
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    Common courtesy, please

    It seems to me that common courtesy is missing in almost every aspect of life now days. This is one reason I am glad I have access to the river from my property.
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    People Who Won't "Rough It"

    I don't hate these people because I may fall into the same category at times. When my children were small I know it was necessary to go get things. The point for us was we were on vacation and away from home.
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    Deep Fried Turkey

    My husband got one of those infrared turkey fryers for Christmas and I gave it to him early so that he could use it for our family dinner. I was surprised at how tender and juicy it was.
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    pre cook

    I never really thought about cooking ahead of time. This would make it easier to have better meals while out camping and could cut back on cooking time so I could spend more time doing things with my kids.
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    Avon and Mosquitoes

    Have you ever tried Avon's skin so soft to keep the mosquitoes away? I personally think the bath oil is better than the insect repellent for keeping the mosquitoes from biting.