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    A Campfire In Your Own Backyard

    Refrigerator that sounds wonderful. Sophia, I know exactly what you are talking about but it was so wet here even with the warm spurt we couldn't get ours to burn.
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    I miss my jeep something fierce and wish I had never sold it or could find another one like it. I loved going mudding in it.
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    Nice Buck

    My brother butchered it and has a freezer full now. I am sure I will get a little before it is over with. I am really picky when it comes to meat and don't usually eat deer but like you said in a stew it is pretty good.
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    My Favorite Hiking Area Near Home

    Sorry Refrigerator, I didn't realize I hadn't mentioned where it is. This is Red Bluff, in Mississippi and it has trails down at the bottom of the bluffs that runs into a stream and it is just beautiful.
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    What is the one thing you seem to forget almost everytime you go camping? Have you ever forgot the matches or lighters and had to use stick or rocks to start a fire?
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    FEMA Campers

    Now after so long since Hurricane Katrina and Rita, there are people still living in the FEMA campers. I have also seen a number of them being put up for sale. What is a decent price for one of these?
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    Living Out of a Tent

    I have known a couple of families that had some really bad luck and decided to live at different campgrounds and sleep in a tent. Do you think if it came down to it you could do this?
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    Backbone Rock

    This is a beautiful place to go and do some rock climbing or check out some nature while taking a hike. I wasn't able to get pictures when we went but here are some on a website that shows how beautiful it is. Click Here
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    My Favorite Hiking Area Near Home

    Here are a couple of pictures of my favorite local hiking area and I suppose you could say we all do a little climbing too.
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    Nice Buck

    My brother shot a nice buck and if he does like he used to he will have the head mounted. I got a picture of him with it and thought I would share it with you all.
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    Troll's Cajun Seasoning

    That sounds really good. When I am in a hurry though I use Tony Chachere or Slap your Mama. I am going to try this recipe though. Thanks!
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    What Does It Take To Get On Your Nerves

    I can't stand to stay in a tent with someone who smokes in the tent. I mean we are out camping and it shouldn't be a big deal to step outside the tent to smoke.
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    Cane Pole

    That is so sweet! I enjoy fishing with a cane pole when we go to different lakes. My dad used to make us poles all the time. I miss those days of fishing with my dad.
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    Hunting for Meat or for Fun?

    I don't eat deer and that is really the only thing they hunt around here. I think my mom ruined me on it because I don't like the taste. So now my husband doesn't really go hunting anymore but when he does we give the meat to a friend or family member who needs it and can't hunt for themselves.
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    Mount Hood at Sunset

    Oh how beautiful! To be there with your wife at sunset had to have been so wonderfully romantic. I am sure the view was breathtaking.
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    I went tubing once and used sun block the whole time. It was waterproof and had a great spf protection but I still cooked. The doctor actually told me I had sun poisoning.
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    Hunting Bears

    I didn't know people actually eat bear meat. I know that there are a lot of different things people hunt to eat but had no clue about bears.
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    Well I'll Be! DUI Story

    I agree with you a hundred percent. My husband flipped his truck going to work one day trying to keep from hitting a horse that had jumped the fence.
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    Missing Good Weather

    The weather has fluctuated something awful here in Mississippi. One day we have a warm day and the next it is below freezing. We have all been sick from it.
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    Pest control, small animal hunting

    I remember as a little girl my uncle shooting a rat or mouse in the house with some kind of gun. I always thought he said it was rat shot or something but I have no idea.