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  1. T


    I don't know either. Depending on the island I were stranded on, I think I would survive as long as there were coconut trees on the island, and a Wilson ball. :D
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    Donkey riding

    Have you ever ridden a donkey? I think it's easier to ride a donkey than to ride a horse, but is that the case? Does a donkey get used to people more easily than a horse does?
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    Rare orchids

    I agree with the other to just leave the rare flowers alone. Plants best grow in the most suitable place for them. Just because a flower grows well in a trekking site doesn't mean it will grow well in your garden also.
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    The Lion of Winter

    Well, it's just an old movie starring Peter O'Toole, Katharine Hepburn and Anthony Hopkins, which happens to be one of my favorite movies of all time. But, are there lions of winter in the real life? Have you ever encountered one?
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    Beach or mountains?

    I go for mountains. For me climbing a mountain is much more challenging than swimming or sunbathing on the beach. I like the feel of achieving something when I reach the peak.
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    Well, I have never tried it and I feel happy with that. Polar bear swims are not for everyone. They are for polar bears, as the name clearly explains itself. :)
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    How young is too young to sleep outside alone?

    I think that would be fine. I used to camp with some friends and older kids in the backyard when I was seven or even younger. I have never done it in winter though LOL.
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    Ginger or pepper?

    LOL I know it's an easy question and the answers are predictable also. :tinysmile_twink_t2: I love ginger but I prefer pepper over it. Pepper warms my body instantly and it has stronger effects than ginger does.
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    Close Encounters

    Wow, that's wonderful Dinosaur. How did you kill the snake? Did it fight a lot? I would never mess with rattle snakes, for God's sake! I am OK with other types of snake, but not rattle snakes.
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    Facebook Life

    I have four accounts (!) on Facebook but I don't use them very often anymore. Anyway, I named them Personal account, Business account, Spiritual Account and Additional account LOL.
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    Salt water for bad breath

    It is believed that a strong salt solution is good to kill odor-producing bacteria in your mouth. I think it is a good alternative to commercial mouthwash I am not a fan of.
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    Ginger or pepper?

    When it is cold in the camping site you are staying in, what spice will you normally add in your food to warm your body, ginger or pepper?
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    Mt. Everest

    Actually the Himalayas are one of the places I always dream of visiting. I don't know about Mt. Everest though. I think it's too high and challenging to conquer.
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    Sweet Potatoes

    I also love sweet potatoes especially in my camping trips. Similar to you, I love them baked but sometimes I just boil them. It's easier and healthier though the boiled potatoes are less tasty than the baked ones.
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    Google Earth

    OK, it maybe too late but I just downloaded and installed Google Earth in my system. I think it will help me plan my outdoor adventures. :) Do you use Google Earth?
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    Your other half

    Yeah, you might get what Galileo got when he insisted that it is the Sun instead of the earth which is the center of the "universe". :D
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    Swimming classes

    It's good to teach the kids to swim yourself. While they are ready to learn swimming, some children maybe just too young to feel comfortable being trained by strangers.
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    How many?

    Yeah, I prefer to drink water also. We need it more than we need coffee during the camping trip which sometimes takes much energy and makes us dehydrated.
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    Place of Accident

    Depending on the place, I think I would still return there even if I ever got accident in the place. Otherwise there would be to many place I can visit anymore. :D
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    How many?

    I am not a big fan of coffee. I usually drink a coffee every morning though. Don't get me wrong, I do it just to get the health benefits.