Search results

  1. F

    Nephew got first doe

    Elk season, sounds interesting. What does the meat taste like? I have never had elk before. Congrats to your nephew - what an excellent shot!
  2. F

    Processing meat

    Do you process your own deer or take it somewhere? I can remember the horror stories my brother in law would tell about when he worked at a deer processing plant. They had about 40 deer every night to get ready! Skin, process, cut up, make sausage etc. Sounds pretty gross to me.
  3. F

    No showers

    Wow, you guys are hard core. I wouldn't want to do it either. I have backpacked many times and we always came back to camp. Guess what? There were showers! They weren't the best but they worked.
  4. F

    Peanut Butter Marshmallow Pie

    OMG That to me sounds heavenly! I am going to have to try it. The bananas make it sound even better. Did the kids love it as much as you?
  5. F

    Which is your favorite outdoor activity?

    I love anything outdoors! There probably isn't anything I don't like to do. Ok - I am not really a hunter. I love to fish, hike, backpack, camp, just be outdoors.
  6. F

    Homemade Soup Weather!

    I made a big pot of chili yesterday and homemade veggie beef soup today! We freeze it when I make it so we can pull it out on a weekday and eat it. I usually make 2 big pots of whatever I make.
  7. F

    Ideas please

    I need some ideas for a teenage hunter for his birthday and Christmas. I’m going to combine the gifts (they are a week apart). He is 15 and he loves to hunt. He bow hunts and hunts with a shotgun. I know absolutely nothing about either. I’m looking to spend around $50 -$75 and I want it to...
  8. F

    Knife Throwing?

    Wow! Ummm no.... That sounds like an accident waiting to happen (I'm a bit of a klutz). I would never let my kids do this either. When did you do this and who started the whole thing? Did you ever get hurt?
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    Bikes with dogs

    That sounds as bad ad people who dress their dogs! It irritates me to no end. I guess some people have different views of pets. I don't have small dogs either and I have no need for them.
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    Rock climbing!

    Not yet but it is something I really want to do with the family. Our kids are a bit young still to go rock climbing. I bet it was breathtaking! Enjoy these days with your kids - they grow so fast!
  11. F

    Fire ban?

    We also have a fire ban at our place. I live in upstate NY and it happens every year. You can't have any open fire outside unless you are cooking on it. So make sure we always have the marshmallows out there with us.
  12. F

    Chili was a bust

    Wow, you called me a moron? Serious? I make the same chili all the time and no I didn't try it. It was the same recipe, all I can think is the canned tomatoes were bad. I love the idea of feeding it to my neighbors.
  13. F

    Planning for next year already

    Thanks- I will google those areas and see what I can find. We can't wait really - I wish there was somewhere that we could go in the winter (Christmas vacation) where the water and air would still be warm.
  14. F

    White water tubing - paddle?

    We are going to try to go white water tubing and I want to know if you use some sort of a paddle for this? We have our tubes but I'm not sure if we need something else?
  15. F

    Planning for next year already

    We are looking for a place to camp that has white water rafting or tubing. It can be anywhere in the states. Anyone have any recommendations?
  16. F

    How to dress for colder hiking?

    You have gotten some great tips here. I agree with the layers, although it's a pain to carry the clothes you don't want to wear when you get hot. I wear underarmor most of the time. It's lightweight but so warm.
  17. F

    The hippogriff

    I'm sorry I have never heard of a hippogriff... what kind of imaginary animal is it and where is it from? A TV show? or something you made up? I'm not sure if I would like one or not.
  18. F

    Tent inside a tent?

    I think it's a great idea. Does your normal tent have a tarp on it? You could just remove that. When we used to tent camp that was my least favorite thing, the wetness of the tent in the morning.
  19. F

    Have you ever ridden a bull?

    I so want to give this a try, but I'm too much of a chicken! I will admit it. Of course I would NEVER think of riding a real bull it would have to be a mechanical one.
  20. F

    Close Encounters

    Nope, I woke up one morning and there were deer in the campsite. It was pretty cool the neighbor camper was feeding them. They did say that the bears had been through the night before but we were sleeping.