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  1. F

    Christmas lights out!

    I know some people that keep them up year round. I don't think a week early is too bad. I am going to try to talk my hubby into hanging ours tomorrow. We tossed all pumpkins today!
  2. F

    Mtn Lion Sighting

    Argh! No thanks... The closest I want to see them is in a cage at the zoo. Where are Mountain Lions anyway? I don't think they are here in the NorthEast? I haven't seen any.
  3. F

    Tent camping in the 40s

    Did they take camping gear for colder weather or just go with gear for summer? I have camped in the 40s before. It wasn't terrible - just made you enjoy the fire more!
  4. F

    stupid turkey day

    Pick what you want to do and do it! To heck with the rest of the family. Shame on them for not being adults and agreeing on something. Thanksgiving is supposed to be a time to be thankful not fighting!
  5. F

    fish jerky

    Yuk! No way... I don't even like beef jerky. I don't like anything that is hard to chew and has no juice to it. I don't know why - the thought of fish jerky makes me throw up in my mouth!
  6. F

    typing test failed me!

    I have never taken a test on typing but I'm thinking I would do just fine. I'm very speedy with my fingers and I don't make a lot of mistakes. Since I typed that I have had to go back 3 times to fix this!
  7. F

    Can jam

    I played this a couple of weeks ago at a birthday party. I could not believe how much the adults got into it. 2 guys would not stop playing - played for like 2 hours, no one could beat them!
  8. F

    Turkey Call Phone Ring

    That is crazy funny. I can't believe how many ring tones there are out there. I love it though - turkey hunting and you get a call and it actually brings the turkeys to you!
  9. F

    Too muddy

    Rockin - that sounds like my kind of ride. I can remember last year when my hubby and daughter went for a ride (at our makeshift campsite) and they came back covered in mud. He thought it would be easy to drive through a 3 foot deep mud hole - they got stuck!
  10. F

    A Watch With Useful Tools

    I've never seen one either and I agree that I doubt there is a watch with a knife. It sounds like something that Inspector Gadget would have. Why would you want a knife in your watch?
  11. F

    Almost Thanksgiving

    I love Thanksgiving, it's my favorite Holiday by far. What do you do for Turkey day? Do you cook and have family over? Do you go to someone's house? Do you go to a restaurant? We always cook and have my family over. Us ladies then scour over the Black Friday ads looking for the best deals!
  12. F

    Motorized Bicycles

    I'm seen them too but I would not get them for my kids. I think kids should have regular bikes - the kind you peddle. We had them as kids, they should too.
  13. F

    Poison Ivy gone yet?

    I think Poison Ivy is pretty dormant right now too. He might have just came into contact with some other bush/leaf and is having a reaction to it. I would go to the docs if it becomes bothersome.
  14. F

    Jet skiing

    I've never been but I want to. Are there any courses (like safety or just instructional) for a newbie? I want to take something in the winter so I'm ready next summer to give it a go!
  15. F

    Pregnant hiking

    I've got a friend who loves to hike but she is pregnant. She is 6 months along now. I keep telling her that she should switch to just walks and not hiking. I would hate for her to trip on something and hurt herself and the baby!
  16. F

    Kid you not

    Wow, that is hysterical! You would think it would end where it starts so you can get back in your car and go home. A sewer plant is just nasty! I bet you could smell it for miles!
  17. F

    Still able to go fishing where you live?

    You can fish year round here... Ice fishing in the winter or just regular fishing in all other seasons. It gets a bit chilly out there though! We have had frost all week every morning.
  18. F

    Time really flies when I am hiking

    Ummm - I agree... Did you hike with people? Exercising with other people always makes the time fly right on by! If only you could get more than 1 person on that treadmill!
  19. F

    Having a lazy weekend....

    Lazy weekends are great! We don't have too many of those though - seems like we are running all the time! When you have kids you run, I have come to realize this. Hope you had a great weekend!
  20. F

    What do you make

    What is your favorite way to eat venison? I would get it all put into venison sausage if I could. I am not one for steaks, hamburger or hots if they are venison – I’ve tried them all and just don’t like them. My grandpa used to make the best sausage and venison stick (like beef stick). He is...