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  1. F

    kayak or canoe?

    Canoe most certainly. They are slower and just better. You can keep an eye on him more and have him help row the canoe. Make sure he has a life jacket on.
  2. F

    Mold on canvas

    Mold is tough to get out of canvas. I usually make a mixture of bleach and hot water and spray the heck out of it. I have only discolored the canvas in 1 spot, but I would rather discolor than have mold.
  3. F

    Do you carry a first aid kit in your backpack?

    It depends on how long of a hike I will be on. I always have band-aids and tylenol with me. If I'm going on a longer hike and I have a backpack then I toss in the small first aid kit.
  4. F

    No Potable Water

    Someone was talking about drinking urine? Seriously? I've never heard of this before ever. I agree I would get the water and liquids from berries and try to collect rain water.
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    Visitor fees

    We have to pay the fees if we got visit people when we are not camping. It's usually $3 for the day. I do agree that it could get pretty steep.
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    Riding ostrich

    Oh my- I think I would hurt the ostrich! I wouldn't ever try it. How much weight can they even handle? I don't think I know anyone who has ever tried to ride on one.
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    Just cost myself $100!

    I once backed into a light pole that I didn't see and took out the whole back window in my mini-van. I was so mad! It was a mess. Good luck getting yours fixed.
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    Chili was a bust

    We made a big pot of chili for our camping trip this weekend and it was awful! I don't know what we did. What do you do if something that you makes is a total bust at camp?
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    How Important Is Photography To You?

    I'm a picture maniac! I carry my camera with me all over the place. I might not get the best shots but I get a lot of them! I want to document my kids growing up and I want to document all the fun things we do.
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    Staying Inside an Igloo

    There are no igloos around me. It's not cold enough when we camp to have igloos. I think it would be pretty neat though. I would love to go inside an igloo.
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    Chinese lanterns

    Anyone ever seen this? They are also called wish lanterns. We saw some of these at the local craft show and we bought them. I can't wait to write our wishes on them and send them to the sky.
  12. F

    Junk in the water

    There is nothing I hate worse than going fishing and catching a bunch of junk that was put in the water (beer cans, plastic, etc.) Anyone run into this a lot? I hope no one here dumps things in the water.
  13. F

    Could you live in your camper?

    I would not want too but I could if I had to. There are people that are far worse off than living in a camper as the other poster noted. It's sad really! As I said, I don't want to.
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    Anyone Travel Full Time?

    I would love to do this. I am trying to get things settled so that I can do this when I retire. It would be awesome to travel from state to state in a RV. It's a life long dream of mine!
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    Back Up Batteries

    I always forget the extra batteries, I will admit it. I almost always end up buying them at the campground store and believe me they are NOT cheap! I wish I would remember to grab more when packing.
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    There is nothing better or more fun to me than muddin with a 4-wheeler. Last night at our riding party we went through numerous mud holes. We were covered in mud! Today we clean the 4-wheelers. Wish we could have done it last night but it was too late and too cold.
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    Big ride tonight

    It was a great time. We stayed up too late, we were going to crash in our tent but it got downright chilly and we didn't take enough blankets. Today we have to clean the wheelers!
  18. F

    Flotation devices

    I like the vest better too, I just think they are better at holding up the child. They are safer in my opinion because there is no chance of choking the child. Have you seen the swimsuits with the built in flotation devices?
  19. F

    Big ride tonight

    I love going to parties where we ride 4-wheelers. We are going to one at 6 tonight. There will be about 100 ATV's there. We ride for hours and then stop to eat. It's a fun night. Anyone do anything like this?
  20. F

    Buying ammo

    My brother buys it at Gander Mountain most of the time. I don't think he has ever bought it online. I wonder what kinds of checks they do online before you can buy it?