Search results

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    Am I a wimp?

    Dinosaur has a point there just imagine a flash flood and you would be one of the only survivors. I also agree that wanting a comfortable night sleep does not make you a wuss or wimp. Not standing up for what you want is what makes people wimps.
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    Sand Fleas

    One of the things I hate worse than anything is getting out camping on the river bank and getting eaten up by sand fleas. Does anyone know of anything to repel them?
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    Have many of you done geochaching? This sounds awesome and I think the whole family would enjoy it as a day out. I am sure it could be done camping or hiking or where ever too.
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    Would you eat road kill?

    It's against the law here but I think the sheriff will ask if you want it too. What is bad to me is when it isn't deer and people scoop up the road kill and eat it. Nutrias, possums and god knows what else.
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    Pulled Over On Your Bike?

    I haven't heard of anyone getting pulled over on a bicycle because they don't ride alot where I am from. I have however heard about a guy getting pulled over on his lawn mower for a DUI and he was going to the store for more beer.
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    What's the appeal?

    For me it is the adrenaline to a certain extent but there is also the love of nature and exploring. The view from some of the mountains I have climbed has made it well worth it.
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    Worst case scenario.

    Grandpa that does sound like a horrible experience. The worse experience I had camping that I remember was when I was a kid and my dad decided to take us all camping. Instead of the usual tent he bought a net tent. There are five of us and he and I were the only ones that slept in it and got ate...
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    Pest control, small animal hunting

    I have a small handgun and a 22 that I use to dispatch pestering armadillos and raccoons. Occasionally, I may come across a possum that needs to go.
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    Fear of Horses

    I love to ride horses but my husband is terrified of them. When he was younger he got bit, kicked and hurt by his uncle's horses. Then about two years ago he flipped his truck trying to avoid hitting a horse on his way to work, so no more horseback riding for me. Do you know anyone who has a...
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    Tents and Luxuries

    What type of luxuries do you bring along when you camp out in a tent? Do you bring a TV or DVD player? What about a fan for the hot nights? With me it depends on where we go to camp at and if there is electricity.
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    Favorite Place to Camp

    Where is your favorite place to camp and why? There are a couple of campgrounds that my family really enjoy going to and we have the option of tents or cabins.