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  1. J

    Best time of the year at my job!

    This is the week that all the bosses except one go on vacation so it's like a party at work. :tinysmile_tongue_t: Not really, but there is less stress and everyone is so easy going when no one is watching their every move. I wish this could happen every month, so we could get this much...
  2. J

    Bike lane

    I'm not sure the biking has to do with the cost of gasoline. Biking seems to have always been a big thing down here. I don't think they should be treated like vehicles like they seem to want to be. They will make a left turn with the lanes turning left like they are with the flow of traffic. I'm...
  3. J

    Bike lane

    Before I had moved to the area I live in I had never seen a designated bike lane before. People rode on the sidewalks where I'm from. Here they have one and they often get in the way of traffic to where you have to get over sometimes. Do those people have the right of way on those busy roads? To...
  4. J

    Surviving in a winter climate

    I have a problem with water below 80 degrees so I can't imagine falling into freezing water. My brain would immediately go on ice. :tinysmile_tongue_t: Really, I don't get how these people that jump in ice water do it.
  5. J

    Surviving in a winter climate

    Can you imagine if you were stranded in the mountains where it's nothing but snow and ice and you didn't have sunglasses? I saw this in a movie where the guy basically went blind and his eyes were so black and blue. I never really thought of that aspect of being stranded in the snow with the sun...
  6. J

    Alone on the holiday?

    I'll probably end up going to a church service or something. Man, it's going to be depressing tomorrow. I need to make sure I travel next year or something because I don't want to feel bad about this again. The holidays use to be my favorite time of the year.
  7. J

    Longest one day hike?

    Sorry Grandpa, I didn't see it. Sometimes it's good to repeat yourself anyways. We learn better through repetition. :tinysmile_tongue_t: I'm just kidding around with you. A five mile hike is a heck of a lot for me and you did 30! Man, I have to get in better shape. I heard Montana is beautiful...
  8. J

    Alone on the holiday?

    Am I the only one that will be alone on Christmas? My girlfriend went back home to visit her family so she won't be around and I'm seeing what family I have in Florida on Christmas Eve. My dad and step-mother are packing up and going on a trip. Christmas is going to be kind of a bummer this time...
  9. J

    Longest one day hike?

    What is the farthest you've ever hiked in one day but still made it back to your vehicle without setting up camp that night? Did you stop to look around a lot or you just kept moving to get to a certain point. I've always dreamed of going up some mountain somewhere, but to this day I haven't...
  10. J

    outdoor military tour in israel

    That's not always the case Lamebeaver, but I see your point. The conversation is interesting though. I agree with fisherman about it being dangerous with the violence over there, but I've also heard Israel is a very beautiful place from a lady friend of mine that has been there.
  11. J

    What's the appeal?

    Some people live for risk and it is their hobby to do things like rock climbing where there are different variables in whether they get hurt or get to go back for more. I personally have done the fake rock wall climbing thing and that's as far as I'll go because I'm just not a thrill seeker.
  12. J

    Catch and Release

    I don't eat too much fish and I don't catch things just to see them die so I release everything. I have a big heart for all animals, but I don't have a problem when I'm fishing with friends or family and they keep what they catch. I know they're just going to eat it.
  13. J

    Running into snakes

    What do you do when you come across a snake on your walk through the woods or on a trail? Are you the kind that gets nervous or are you intrigued? I like all kinds of animals and snakes do fascinate me. The only thing is I do keep my distance because I don't know what's poisonous or not.
  14. J

    What Did You Learn The Hard Way

    How about, don't forget your deoderant. Things could get stinky if others are around and you start smelling and there is no lake to jump into to get fresh. I agree that it's pretty important to know the weather forecast. You don't want to get caught in unexpected nasty weather.
  15. J

    The Most Awesome Trail

    That sounds really great! I wish we could get those kind of well defined trails down here. You can't really do it because of private property or Everglades. I'd love to see those kinds of cliffs you saw!
  16. J

    I Want A Fireplace

    I do like fireplace's since they do make a house seem more homey to me, but where I live now, there is pretty much no use for one and I don't think it looks right in a Florida home. If I ever move back up north, I'll have a few of them for sure.
  17. J


    I haven't tried Pandora before so I don't know how good it is. I did use Yahoo Radio for a while, but I have so many songs I've bought from ITunes for my IPod so I just open up that program when I want to hear music now.
  18. J

    Christmas at the campground?

    We have Christmas traditions that we do every year so camping wouldn't fit into those plans. As much as I love camping, I wouldn't want to give up a warm house for the cold outdoors during that time. I don't think the family would like to either.
  19. J

    Cooking up a big Ham

    That sounds very good Gabbie. How do you cook your ham to give it flavor or do you not add anything? For me, ham is best with either pineapple or brown sugar. I actually like ham more than beef.
  20. J

    Dirt bike and what age

    You can start them pretty young I believe. When I was around 13 I had a friend with a three wheeler and a dirt bike, but they were miniature ones. I think they went about 25-30mph, but they were a blast. It was one of the best things we liked about the cabin.