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  1. H

    No label tablet computer

    I am not sure that I know what a no-label tablet computer is. Do you have a link or something so we could take a look at it. I want a tablet, but I don't have a whole lot of money. Maybe that is the answer.
  2. H

    why do people do this?

    I hate when I am hiking and I find all kinds of trash. Not just trash but stuff like couches and furniture. Why would someone take the time to go dump it like that. Why not call bulk pick up or drive it to the dump themselves?
  3. H

    If the world were to end in 24 hours....

    You know, if the world is going to end, being someplace remote (wish supplies) could be the safest place you could be. If there was any chance at survival at least you wouldn't be in the midst of madness.
  4. H

    Seasonal site camper questions

    I can't do anything like that at the moment, but I want to start seasonal camping in a few weeks. I would love to live at a campsite over the summertime. I could go from there to work and back with no problems.
  5. H

    How many square feet do you need?

    How many square feet of land do you need per horse do you need to make sure they have enough room to keep them healthy?
  6. H

    Neighbor's Pony

    Aww, it does sound funny but it is probably not very funny at the time. I have never seen any of the horses around here get loose, so odds are it is bound to happen soon.
  7. H

    Water Rescue

    I guess the question is where would the funding come from. There is a chance it would have to be voluntary and you would have to raise funds for what you need.
  8. H

    Supplies for night time backpacking

    If you are going to go on a night hike (not overnight) what kinds of supplies and gear do you pack? What kind of lighting gear is a must have?
  9. H

    Good swimming

    We had a lab who loved the water. The problem was that once he got in it he wouldn't get out of it. There were times he delayed us because he got busy having so much fun.
  10. H

    Things Are Getting Tough

    Times are getting tough. I figure the best thing I can do is buy some of those cheap things up. That gives people money and me new camping gear, supplies and much more really cheap. You wouldn't believe the deal I got on a boat this summer.
  11. H

    Fox Coming Around

    Why do you want to shoot it? It doesn't sound like it is doing you any harm. So it is marking the area with its scent, what is the big deal? I would just leave it alone.
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    Yeah, I am guessing it would be a moldy health risk pretty soon. Now if you owned a carpet factory and brought a new piece of carpet each trip or for every night it might make sense.
  13. H

    What is a good scuba diving age?

    I dunno, I think it takes more patience and maturity than pre teens have. I would say that a good age would be like 16-19. Of course I am told I am way to over protective.
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    How do you learn river rafting?

    I have never been river rating but I am betting there are safety issues that you need to know about. Where can you go to learn how to river raft?
  15. H

    Need a laptop

    You guys said that all the basic parts are the same. So I am thinking it would be less about the brand and more about what type of processor is in the machine. So what is the best laptop processor.
  16. H

    Pictures of My Tent

    HikerJoe, do you know if they still sell that tent? If they don't do you know what the next closest model to that one would be? I am interested in getting a tent like that, that I know will last.
  17. H

    Mad Hawk

    I was hiking on a trail that is one of the lesser known ones. It maybe gets a few visitors a week. While I was hiking I stopped to have a snack and this hawk was pretty upset over that. She/he made all kinds of noise and kept swooping over. I have no idea why, unless I was too close to their...
  18. H

    Family Tent with Screen Room

    If I am not mistaken this is the L.L. Bean King Pine 6. I think it is a great tent, however I would call it a 4-6 person tent, not a 6-8 person tent. Right now it costs around $399.
  19. H

    Kids backpacks?

    You aren't going to find something like that at your local Wal-Mart. Most outdoors stores will have a kids section with the kind of backpack you want. For about $50 you can get something like this at Cabela's too.
  20. H

    Anyone ever get up close and personal with a Bear?

    It would be great to see a bear in camp but it's never happened. I've even practiced what to do if you meet one real up close and personal. I guess it isn't meant to be.