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  1. H

    Slingshots Anyone?

    I keep telling my son that I am going to make a slingshot for the two of us to play with. I just haven't had the time. Now that I know where to get the rubber maybe it is time to make time.
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    I agree, if you litter then you should have to clean up litter. I think 100 hours sounds about right. Think about how many times a person litters before they get caught.
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    Snapping Turtle!

    I was fishing this weekend and I almost stepped on a snapping turtle! I am so glad I caught myself and backed away slowly. Once those things bite you it's all over, well for the turtle.
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    First Aid Kit Reminder

    I am all done, my first aid kit is fully stocked and ready to go! Lorax, I just wanted to say that your handle is my favorite book ever! Nice!
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    Never rode a jet ski

    I have never rode a jet ski. I really want to but for some reason they make me nervous. Can you guys tell me what it is like and anything I should know about safety?
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    BMX Bike Tire

    I know that the K-Mart here and the Wal-Mart both carry that line. They also have a generic line that they carry. The prices are pretty decent on both.
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    Buying a used pop up

    I have seen a lot of pop ups being sold on Craigslist. Where I live a lot of people have lost jobs so they are selling them pretty cheap. Would you feel bad for buying a used pop up from someone who is selling out of desperation, not because they want to?
  8. H

    First Aid Kit Reminder

    Thanks for the reminder. It did't even cross my mind to check for out of date ointments. I do need a new ice pack. I had one that you just had to bend to make it cold but I used it. Wonder where you buy those at.
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    Fines for hookups

    You will get fined here pretty quickly for anything trailer related. You do not even want to try to go a few miles having it hooked up wrong or having the lights out.
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    Overcrowed boat

    I never see things like that on the lakes around here. They really cracked down in safety since the last drowning. It is sad that is what it took so I hope this lasts a long time.
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    New to camping but not really.

    I have a Coleman as well. I have always liked the brand and the price is not too bad. I find that you have to make sure to use waterproofing spray on the Colemans. As long as you take care of it and do that it should be fine.
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    What are you doing about mosquitoes?

    We found bug spray on sale at Sam's Club and stocked up on it. I am glad we did that because we have already gone through an entire bottle and a half and summer still has a way to go.
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    Where are all the leaches?

    Consider yourself lucky, did you know that a leaches could kill you if you did not remove them? Also, I didn't know that fish ate leaches. What sort of fish might do that?
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    How Serious Are You About Camping?

    I am just an enthusiast. I am serious about camping, hiking and nature in general, but I am not a serious kind of guy. I am pretty laid back, do what I enjoy and don't worry too much about how I label myself.
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    Vegan campfire ideas

    Yeah, not only are there vegan marshmallows, there are vegan hot dogs and hamburgers. If she doesn't do dairy either then there are lots of ice cream alternatives to. Tofuti Cuties, for example, is an ice cream bar. They are actually so good that I can give them to my kids and they don't notice...
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    How long does it take to be an expert?

    From the time you start rock climbing to the time that you become and expert, how long does it take? Does this depend on skill, physical fitness level or both?
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    July 4th sales?

    Do tents or any other tent camping supplies go on sale around July 4th. I need to get a new tent and tarp but I will wait another couple of weeks if I can get it at a better price.
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    Other live bait options

    I have been using night crawlers and wax worms. It seems like that is all my local bait store has. Are there other live bait alternatives that would make it worth going to a different store?
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    Lost at sea

    Say you were lost at sea and you manage to stay afloat and find some drift wood to hold on to. What things would you do to try to stay alive?
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    Little critter

    That has never happened to me either. I think I sleep like a big growing bear that tosses and turns. So lucky for me the little critters are all to terrified to get in to my sleeping bag.