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  1. C

    Would you eat road kill?

    The thought never occurred to me to eat roadkill of any kind, though I guess if it hasn't been dead that long to attract flies or other nasty bugs, I might just take a deer or such that was hit by a car. Deer can take more beatings than the smaller animals can so there should still be good...
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    Stories of the 'Monster Fishes'

    You wonder what kind of fish it is, but it's always too out in the lake or pond to see. All you know is that it must be the big one. At one of the lakes where I fish, there is such a fish out there. I don't have a boat, so all I can do is look out to shore at this giant fish waving its fin...
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    Hiking and Mental Health

    It makes sense to me. What better way to get away from all the stress of working with annoying people? Get farther away from them for a while and all is better! I can't always go on hikes whenever I'm upset about something, but when I'm able, I always walk the trails for a few hours. It does...
  4. C

    Bright vs. Subdued Eqipment Colors ?

    I use a lot of bright colors when I'm out and walking about in the woods. You just never know what people will do. Even though I love the look of those camouflage coats and pants, to some drunk guy, you may as well be an invisible deer.
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    Tackle Boxes - what's in yours ?

    I have much of the same in my tacklebox. I do bring extra line for my fishing pole in case I end up catching a tree more than a fish. I also have a small spot dedicated to my good-luck trinket, which is just a little gold-painted fish I've had since I was a kid.
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    Deep water fears

    Everyone has a fear or something, and disappearing into a bottomless pit of water doesn't seem too appealing to anyone who happens to have this fear. Just take it easy. Personally I don't think she should be in a boat anyway concerning her fear; I really wouldn't push the issue too much...
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    Tomahawk - Forgotten Tool?

    I've never used a tomahawk before in my life, though they probably would be a lot better than wielding a heavier, modern version. Are they more expensive than hatchets in the store?
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    I completely agree. Some people fail to recognize that a horse is no different than other pets. Sadly, I've had my share of neighbors who don't pay as much attention to their horses as they should. They really need to give some sort of class on horse care before a person is allowed to have a...
  9. C

    Cooking forks or sticks?

    I normally use sticks but it depends on who's with me. Everyone has their own preference. a lot of my friends use forks because they think it's 'cleaner'. Come on. You're out in the woods anyway, why not live a little risky?
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    Why Rabbit isn't good eating for survival

    I knew rabbits were lean, but I didn't think about the fat content in them. Like Barney said though, if you eat rabbits 2 months straight, you you'll suffer from malnutrition. You can't survive on just one type of meat- add variety. Add some berries and vegetables where you can get it, I'm...
  11. C

    Pony or Horse

    I never much saw the point in ponies. Children outgrow them faster than you'd think. It's better to have a horse. Before actually buying one though, I'd recommend looking for some parks or farms that offer horseback riding lessons or let you rent a horse for a few hours. My love of...
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    Alaskan Malamutes and Hunting?

    I don't have a Malamute personally, but I know from neighbors that have a couple that they will chase about anything that moves. I think most people would recommend for you to go ahead and get a hound or another hunting dog rather than a Malamute, but historically, they were used to hunt seals...
  13. C

    Are You Serious? You Can't Wait for a Trashcan?

    I'm a little irritated about the trash people have been throwing at one of the major lakes I fish at. They have a nice winding trail around the expanse of the lake that I hike on regularly during the Spring and Summer months. It's a really pretty place, or would be if it weren't for the...
  14. C

    Why do you fish?

    Well I started fishing because it was tradition. I didn't go to Disneyworld when I was a kid, I went out fishing! I started by catching little bluegill to eat and then moved on to bigger fish like bass and catfish. It's fun and relaxing, and I especially enjoy fishing in the morning when...
  15. C

    Frog Gigging

    Thanks for the grilling suggestion Dinosaur! I'll definitely have to try some of that. I love frog legs so much that on the very day we catch them we start up the fryers. They taste better than fried chicken, and even though they are smaller, the meat slips right off the bone.
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    When you Just Aren't Prepared to Camp

    Ever had one of those days where you aren't ready to camp, to hunt, to even enjoy your outing? My worst experience was two summers ago when we rushed to a campground 40 miles away without doublechecking that we had everything. We had the tent, but no sleeping bags. The fishing poles, but...
  17. C

    Injured animals.

    I've taken care of my share of injured animals. Mostly birds. When I was little, a baby chick fell out of it's nest but was amazingly still alive. The mother ignored it so we brought the chick inside and tried to take care of it. Sadly, only two days after we began feeding it and taking care...
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    Color of The Fishing Line?

    I've only tried green line a couple times when I ran out of transparent and I don't think I've had the same amount of luck when it comes to getting bites. Of course, maybe it wasjust coincidence.
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    Do you carry a first aid kit in your backpack?

    I have a nifty little first aid kit that I keep in my backpack at all times. It's too small to have every little thing to stop some tragedy in the woods, but I have gauze, bandaids, alcohol and most of the basic balms for burns or itchiness.
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    Kayak or canoe?

    I prefer canoes to kayaks most of the time. Canoeing always feel more traditional and meaningful I suppose, since the other person you are with needs to know how to paddle for the canoe to go anywhere. I love to go out in the middle of the lake at night when the moon is full and it's not too...