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  1. C

    Ever gotten hurt?

    I've had mostly bruises and cuts, but I still remember one time where I could have drowned because this big sucker of a fish was dragging me into the water. It was just a carp, but when you're 5 years old and still learning how to fish, well...anyway, I didn't let go and was chest deep in the...
  2. C

    Family and Friends Who Can't Swim

    They make for fun times at any pond, lake, or beach because of the sheer insanity that can happen when they are that close to water. My aunt hates the water. She never learned to swim, yet I convinced her during our summer vacation to check out the beach anyway. I gave her a float to ride on...
  3. C

    Hunting for Meat or for Fun?

    I hunt for food but I do have fun while hunting, knowing that I'll have something good to eat when and if I do take something down. I also hunt to control animal populations that have thrived unchecked, like white-tailed deer. Otherwise, I don't hunt for pure enjoyment. I kill to eat, I don't...
  4. C

    Frog Gigging

    Wow, from twenty yards? That's pretty impressive. They seem too small to kill with an arrow without tearing them up. How big is this arrow? It does sound fun but I've never killed frogs or any fish with a bow before. With gigging at least the frogs are within a close range. Anything more...
  5. C

    Frog Gigging

    I love frog gigging in the summer. You honestly wouldn't expect to see or catch so many frogs - when I first started, I could barely even notice them in the water. Now I can spear at least half a bucket to bring home for frying. Any other frog giggers out there? Are there other ways to...
  6. C

    Water Canteens And Botles

    I'm the cheapest when it comes to carrying water around on hikes. I just buy some bottled water from a convenience store, chill them so they are nice and cold before it's time to hike, and just carry one or two with me at a time. I do like those military canteens. My dad had one that was...
  7. C

    What age to teach survival?

    Hmm, this is a good question. I think it's good to have them connect to wildlife at an early age, as in bringing them outdoors and letting them experience the wilderness, but if you're talking about how to actually survive, I would lean towards 10-15. Any earlier and I don't think the child...
  8. C


    I'm directionally challenged. Learning to read a compass is one of those things that I think I can understand, try it, and then realize that no, somehow I get myself lost anyway. The GPS on my phone is a must to me, and while it doesn't reall function off-road, it shows me where the nearest...
  9. C

    What is the one thing you HAVE to take

    I guess the one thing that I always have to take camping would be my iPod. No bad looks please! I like music whenever I go outdoors, and while nature itself is nice and peaceful to the ears, sometimes it's a little *too* peaceful, and I'd rather fish with some nice vocals humming in my ears.
  10. C

    Shhh I'm hunting wabbits

    I've been rabbit hunting from the time I was little. They aren't my favorite game animals, but they do the job, and of course, they taste really good boiled or put into a stew. They always tasted like chicken to me though.
  11. C

    Salt or fresh water?

    I really haven't had too many chances to swim in salt water other than on family vacations. I tend to avoid beaches in general because at some point of the day, I always find some way to swallow down that nasty salt water by accident! I definitely prefer freshwater for swimming, fishing...
  12. C

    What to Look for in a Horse?

    My niece is looking to get a horse for her next birthday but she has no idea where to start. I know that there are ads in the paper for horses every so often, but are there better places to look? I also want to know if the age of the horse matters when you buy one that's been raised by...
  13. C

    When Did You Learn?

    I didn't learn how to ride a bike till I was almost in high school. I had a rather terrifying experience with one while I was learning to ride it, so I gave up trying to learn until years later. Bikes with gears on them still confuse me from time to time.
  14. C

    The best bait for catfish?

    The only bait I've ever used for catfish has always been chicken liver, but that's because my Dad has always used chicken liver, so I learned from him. Are there any other suitable baits for catfish? What is the appeal of chicken liver?
  15. C

    Do You Camp by a River?

    I love to camp by a river when given the chance, but yes, it can be dangerous. I've been lucky enough that I narrowly missed a flash flood back in Tennessee. I got out of the campground right before the flood happened. But the positives outweigh the negatives to me. There's just so much...