Search results

  1. Thumper

    Scary movies?

    Scary movies are fiction. If you want to watch them and they creep you out, you need to watch them a long time before you go camping. There is very little besides other people out there that is going to bother you. The wild animals mostly stay away except for bears that come scrounging around...
  2. Thumper

    Beach camping

    I don't think I've ever camped out on a beach before. But then we are usually inland when we go camping or hiking. I know there are a lot of regulations out for beach use of any kind. I would check with the local authorities if you are planning to go somewhere.
  3. Thumper

    Backpacking stove

    That sounds rather nice. I don't think I've seen one in use before. I've seen them in shops but I've not been shopping for anything for a while. I found a review of these here at this site: MSR Pocket Rocket Backpacking Stove Reviews, Best Prices, and Coupons - Cascadeclimbers - Skiing...
  4. Thumper

    Up Hill and Down

    I was just wondering what everyone preferred as a campsite? Do you usually camp up on a hill or do you usually find a pasture closer to the water? I would rather go up on a hill a bit just in case we have a flash flood but that's just me. What do you prefer?
  5. Thumper

    Wild Turkeys

    Thanks Jason. We have stocked up on corn but I'm going to try to give them a choice of foods to keep them around. I don't think I can do anything about the insects but I'm sure they can do that themselves out in the woods.
  6. Thumper

    Seat furniture

    It just depends upon whether we are hiking or not. If we aren't camping by the car then we don't bring any chairs. If we are camping in a camping area we usually bring camp chairs, collapsible tables and a lot of other things we don't normally bring when we are hiking.
  7. Thumper

    What's Your Favorite Game To Eat?

    I have to go with rabbit and squirrel. I know neither have much meat on them but I really love the taste. I also like quail occasionally but they are hard to find and it takes a bunch to make a meal. I love to hunt them though.
  8. Thumper

    Loss Of Electricity In Winter

    I've got to get a generator for my place. We don't have any heat source. We live in a very small place and a kerosene heater would just stink us out of the place. I've thought about retrofitting the house with a fireplace but the time and the money just hasn't been there for it.
  9. Thumper

    Unnecessary gear?

    I don't take a bunch of unnecessary things but I'm glad when I have a few basics for everything. If nothing else I would rather carry too much than not enough. What if you were stranded and had to survive? I would rather have extra than not have something that may help me survive.
  10. Thumper

    Do you carry a first aid kit in your backpack?

    We came upon a lady who had been stung by a wasper once who was allergic to bee stings. I had some generic benadryl on me and I gave it to her. It helped a little-at least long enough for the rangers to get there and drive her out to help. I was so scared I thought she was going to have a heart...
  11. Thumper

    Love but Allergic

    Man that has to be tough to not be able to eat what you catch. I would have to have a lot more self discipline than I have now to be able to do what you do. I don't like fish often but the wild caught stuff is so much better than the store bought I won't eat any but what I've caught. I feel for...
  12. Thumper

    Guess What I Found Today At Kroger's?

    I was going through the frozen foods section today trying to find something to nuke for dinner and guess what I found? I found frozen rabbit!! I was excited. I love rabbit fried chicken style. Now if I want one I don't have to go hunting first. I wonder if domestic and wild rabbit tastes different?
  13. Thumper

    World Equestrian Games

    I live in Kentucky and we have been having the World Equestrian Games. We got to go on Saturday and it was wonderful! I love horses and have a few of my own but I don't compete. This is the first time the World Games have been in the US-EVER and they are in Kentucky which is wonderful!
  14. Thumper

    What wood to burn

    We have a local lumber yard that gives away scrap lumber they can't use so we use it around where we are. As far as taking it with us, we don't. But we do try to get hard wood to burn. A good dried out hard wood makes an excellent fire.
  15. Thumper

    Wild Goats In The US?

    I'm not sure I would kill them. They may have been an animal that just got loose and the owner may be looking for it. There are goats in some of the mountains that you can hunt but they have seasons as well as any other game.
  16. Thumper

    What age to teach survival?

    Start teaching as soon as they can walk. It's vital they start to learn to leave animals alone and even a toddler can learn this-even if they don't practice it. Children learn more from us at an early age than we think they do.