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  1. S

    What age

    I started it when i was 30 and my child was 10. I do not want that he could suffer more. Hiking is what we both enjoyed and love to do in vacation.
  2. S

    Buy tent at second hand store?

    No i always prefer to have new one as second hand could have some defect. As tent be very useful while the whole journey we need it. So prefer new one.
  3. S

    warm ups?

    Warm up is good before we start any kind of journey, it may be adventure journey or trekking. But yeah it does not have to do anything with your back pain. And do not do much warm or stretch more because it might harm you more.
  4. S

    Wonderful Hiking Weather

    Having fun with kids are nice to do. And doing fun with adventure is more enjoyable for both parents and kids.
  5. S

    pretreated mosquito nets

    Net should be washed properly so that it could not smell a lot. Put it in some fresh water some days then again you can use it.
  6. S

    Funny tent

    Ohh good one. But how long it is and where did you get that?.