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  1. GROUNDpounder

    Who owns cricks and rivers

    I've always been under the impression that IF someone was on YOUR property you were liable if they got hurt. Which I always thought was a load of crap, but then again most laws are loads of crap haha.
  2. GROUNDpounder

    CAMPING/TRAIL/SURVIVAL's my ratings...

    I've done that too, in regards to the dry cereal. It makes a great snack while out hiking. I love the kashi brand serials, very little in the way of artificial ingredients and low in added sugar. Whole grains and such for those that care about that sort of thing.
  3. GROUNDpounder

    Guess What We Found

    Uh... the fertility of hens doesn't matter, as long as they're laying you can eat the eggs. As long as there isn't a rooster around you're safe to eat every egg!
  4. GROUNDpounder

    Anyone ever been to South America?

    This, you'll regret going to SA for the rest of your life if you don't, its a whole nother biosphere.
  5. GROUNDpounder

    Omelet in a bag

    I'd rather not end up throwing out tons of plastic bags while camping. Even though we all like different things in our omelets its pretty simple to do with one bowl and one fork to mix things with.
  6. GROUNDpounder

    Camper's Spaghetti

    Yeah I'm thinking this would be WAY on the sweet side for our family, we're more of a garlic style sauces so this probably wouldn't go too well.
  7. GROUNDpounder

    Catfish Fillets

    I haven't made hush-puppies in a while, I prefer an italian breadcrumb mixed with southern style seasonings. Glad you had some good luck on the water! I haven't had any luck in the past few weeks due to the temperature of the water (mid 80s) :(.
  8. GROUNDpounder

    Poison Ivy and Water

    No, and the saying (Don't scratch or it will spread) is unfounded, you can scratch all you want but you may get an infection. If you do have open pustules you should avoid the water in-case you get an infection.
  9. GROUNDpounder

    Slow grilled ribs

    In BBQ there is no such thing as 'overcooked'.
  10. GROUNDpounder

    How do you like your bacon?

    Never had bacon soup, I have had bacon as an additive in soup. I like the 'bacon weave', you basically make a square out of many pieces of bacon, bake that in the oven for about 20min on 300 or until slightly crisped. Remove from the oven, fill with cheese, potatoes, breakfast sausage,roll...
  11. GROUNDpounder

    Where can you successfully spear fish?

    It all comes down to expereince, if you're in the Caribbean and can hold your breath for a while I'm certain you would have no issues. Or just about anywhere with clear water and a fish population I'm sure that you could successfully spear a fish.
  12. GROUNDpounder

    Who would do this?

    Someone who needs to have a hand removed with a machete. . . .
  13. GROUNDpounder

    Fishing line for a survival kit

    I recommend either Firewire or Spider-wire, neither stretches very much under load and both are 'underrated' meaning the 8lb on the box is LESS than what the line can actually do. Any more than 8lb test and its going to be difficult to throw by hand.
  14. GROUNDpounder

    Snapping Turtle!

    but you get to make soup!:tinysmile_twink_t2:
  15. GROUNDpounder

    Beware Of Internet Scam on Freecycle

    How about instead, if they are found guilty they are put to work at a security firm, that way they're making money and stimulating the economy.
  16. GROUNDpounder

    Found Something Interesting Back In The Hollow

    Its normally slightly warmer than surrounding plants, but only one won't register, they look for PATCHES of the stuff\hot spots that indicate someone is either growing indoors or under a cover. It grows naturally here in PA, if they fine me for having it on my property Id tell them to sue...
  17. GROUNDpounder

    People afraid of water

    I second this, though I do enjoy swimming in just about any water, water that I cannot see through freaks me out. I don't like things touching me in the water either so I tend to stay away from grassy swimming areas.
  18. GROUNDpounder

    Big giant marshmallows

    We bought the large pack last summer and they tasted fine, just like the smaller shmellows just bigger. Maybe you stumbled across a bad batch?
  19. GROUNDpounder

    Electric coolers?

    Hard to believe that Coleman has gone downhill so much. I have a 2 burner stove from a garage sale, person selling it said it was their grand fathers, still looked like new. Their steel coolers last a good 3days with ice in them, I've never heard of their electric coolers dieing after...
  20. GROUNDpounder

    Electric coolers?

    12 volt cooler That should do yuh, just a heads up the coolers that use peltiare modules only get about 15F cooler than the ambient temperature, the Engel and Coleman coolers use gas similar to a refrigerator and get MUCH cooler. Not to mention they are more efficient....