Search results

  1. GROUNDpounder

    Ear of Corn on the Pit

    ^ Same, cover them in butter and load it with pepper\salt and its a meal on its own!
  2. GROUNDpounder

    Fish That Wanna be Caught

    Flood lights attract fish, some states its considered 'baiting' so be careful :). And yes, I've had it happen before, at a resivour by a boat dock.
  3. GROUNDpounder

    Cooking directly on the coals....

    Eh, I HAVE dropped food on the ashes before but I don't really like the crunching and grinding sounds it makes as you eat the food soooo I use sticks or anything else I can find. It won't hurt you, ash is nothing that can harm your body if you ingest it.
  4. GROUNDpounder

    Grilled Pita Bread Pizza

    Hmmmm Smokey pizza crust, that actually sounds appetizing!
  5. GROUNDpounder

    Knife Sharpeners

    ^ Note that carbide side is ONLY to be used when you can SEE burrs or 'bends' and 'nicks' in the blade, its to remove material, unless you see these 'burrs' you shouldn't have to use the carbide side of the sharpener!
  6. GROUNDpounder

    Don't use the search function just start a new thread ;).

    You all know that forums have a search function but they never show you want you want, so instead I suggest just starting a new thread with a generic title like 'help' or 'oh no' that way we can 'help' you :tinysmile_hmm_t:. And it will make Dino very happy...
  7. GROUNDpounder

    Grilled Jalapenos

    I 'gut' the peppers and stuff them with sausage and cheese :), mixing in the seeds with the meat\cheese mix, grill on low or high covered in foil.
  8. GROUNDpounder

    squirrel hunting

    Couldn't have said it better myself!
  9. GROUNDpounder

    Cooking Fish

    Cook it on medium heat with lemon and garlic zest. Personally that's what I like.
  10. GROUNDpounder

    Guns for small game hunting

    Personally I use a .22LR with an adjustable scope or a bow. I wouldn't hunt with a shotgun and pellets for the simple fact of you being an new hunter and the last thing you want to do is miss a pellet and start ingesting lead. I go for head\chest shots with the 22. To each their own.!
  11. GROUNDpounder

    Freeze dried food

    They don't actually eat that crap haha, back in the day they did but not today. Today they eat MRE style food, all packaged up and sealed tightly against vacuum and germs. However I will comment on Walmart's Freeze dried food in the camping section. 1) Do not get the eggs.... 2) Ice cream...
  12. GROUNDpounder

    Solar power Charger

    I have used this one Solar Panel battery minder for my cars while out on vacation as well as using it for my lawn tractors. It works just fine for that, though I'm sure an ingenuitive person could adapt it to power a cell phone charger or to charge a flash light.
  13. GROUNDpounder


    Natural choke points where the TRAIL leads. Normally 'choked' by vegetation, place the trap in this area and you just increased your chances, the heavier the traffic the more defined the trail will be, normally a choke point is spotted by following multiple trails that merge in to one trail...
  14. GROUNDpounder

    Alkaline camp fire meals

    ^ Good info thank you!
  15. GROUNDpounder

    Kia 4x4

    Just make sure to check the frame, in particular around the steering box mounts as it tends to rusts off.... literally, as well check the frame and tub to ensure its intact and not rusting, take a magnet with you and make sure that there are no holes filled in with bondo!
  16. GROUNDpounder


    Benny is a mouth breather! JK! Just take it slow and focus on breathing until you relax :).
  17. GROUNDpounder

    What you really need to survive

    ^ I beg to differ, Knife, SHELTER, water. You wont last long without 1 of those, can't live without food or water or prolonged exposure to the elements however with a KNIFE you can make just about anything you need save for water.
  18. GROUNDpounder

    Have you ever hit a cow? How about 2 cows?

    YIKES!:tinysmile_aha_t:, 25,000 in damage, wow I bet his insurance company is going to love him\her!
  19. GROUNDpounder

    Sweet Tooth

    Pie filling between two pieces of bread in a mountain pie maker. Or grilled Pineapple!
  20. GROUNDpounder

    New Water Filtration System

    Does it have a built in charcoal filter? I'm kind of confused by what I see there =\.