Search results

  1. S

    Pregnant hiking?

    I would a little earlier than that but at 6 months she may be awfully uncomfortable. If she is healthy though and has checked with her doctor she should be alright. But ugh, carrying my own weight and my backpack is enough sometimes. I just can't see carrying the baby too, even if it is in utero.
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    I think our boat is done for

    It sounds like it needs a major overhaul! Yes, if the engine hasn't been started it can seize up if you don't change oil and grease things up good first. As far as the weather damage, a good scrape and repaint can take care of that but all in all, it sounds like your boat needs some work.
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    Just Got Back

    We just got back from a Thanksgiving fishing trip and I'm exhausted! But we've got 20 pounds of bluegill in the freezer for our efforts! We went to the Land Between the Lakes in Kentucky and fished for five days! What a trip! We caught bluegills like crazy and cleaned pounds of fish every...
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    Animals you encounter on a hike

    The wild turkeys are around our house. We have a lot of deer, rabbit, grey and red squirrels, snakes, frogs, salamanders, lizards and lots of birds. We live in a very wooded area and there are a lot of animals here. Sometimes too many-especially when we walk out on the porch and there is a...
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    Jogging strollers

    I've seen people with them but I didn't think they would be that expensive! I guess though if you are out a lot and have a little one, they would be worth it.
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    Freeze Dried Food

    Has anyone tried the freeze dried food you can get. I've tried the apples and the strawberries and they are delicious! I haven't tried anything else though. Are they worth spending the money for? I want to take some things with us that are easily transported if we decide to do an overnight...
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    Did we miss the peak?

    I'm on the east coast and it was the same for us here. I was so disappointed. I love to see the beautiful colors of fall. It's really sad not to have the usually beautiful hills around us. It's the same with winter, if we don't have at least one great snowfall, I'm disappointed.
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    Grilled mac n cheese

    Oh gosh! You guys are making me hungry! I have to have Mac & Cheese for supper tonight now! I think I have some good cheese in the fridge, now if I just have elbow macaroni I'm good to go!
  9. S

    What should you do if you encounter a cougar?

    I don't know if I could do that or not. I would probably have a heart attack and faint and then the cougar would eat me for sure. The only thing I could probably do is to assure the cougar that I was stringy, tough and nasty tasting! LOL But I don't want to be somethings dinner either so I...
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    Uncomfortable seats

    They do make a new gel type seat that is wider. I don't remember where I've seen these but they look a lot more comfortable than what you normally see.
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    Poison Ivy

    Try strong tea soaked washcloths that have been frozen. The tea makes the poison ivy dry because of the astringent properties of the tannic acid in the tea. The cold also helps to calm things down. you can also get lidocaine gel at the drug store to rub on to numb the area. I can't think of...
  12. S

    What do you do on the water?

    I do both but I am easily scared on the water. I don't swim very well and it scares me that something may happen to the boat and I may have to swim for it. I can dog paddle but not much else.
  13. S

    How did you learn how to swim?

    I still don't know how to swim properly. I could save myself if I had to but I doubt I could help anyone else. I've tried but I just can't seem to make myself put my face down in the water in order to swim properly. I dog paddle like a champ though.
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    Animals you encounter on a hike

    We usually see the regular stuff like the occasional deer, wild turkey, occasionally a black bear or two, occasionally a snake or a lizard. The ones that made me move the fastest though were the skunks we saw as we topped a small hill. We came down that hill a whole lot faster than we went...
  15. S

    Has Anyone Ever Been Mugged On A Hike?

    Yes, that's what I'm talking about. When we go hiking without the kids there is only my husband and I but still there are some really strange looking people out there sometimes. The drug trade has made some strange bedfellows and some strange places are turning into exchange places. Of course...
  16. S

    Favorite season to hike?

    Oh yes! I love to hike in the fall. The colors are beautiful and the cooler weather means you don't get so hot and sweaty while you are walking. The only thing that is not nice is to be kicking through a big pile of leaves and kick a snake that's trying to hibernate!
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    Do We Take The Dog?

    My husband and the kids want to start taking the dog with us when we go camping. We tent camp but I guess you would have the same problems if you camped in a camper. Our dog is a five pound Chihuahua so she wouldn't take up much room in the tent but how do you handle a dog when you camp and...
  18. S

    Animal encounters.

    LOL with Sarah! So did you and the moose see eye to eye (yeah, bad joke I know but I just couldn't help myself) :P. We have a wildcat and coyotes that come around our trailer at home every now and again. I try to keep all the livestock (including dogs, cats and children) up after dark...
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    Has Anyone Ever Been Mugged On A Hike?

    I haven't and I haven't ever heard of it but this is one of the things that scare me when we go off on our own. I know you can be mugged with thousands of people around (in New York at least), but do you think hikers would be more apt to help someone?
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    Intoxicated horseback riding

    We had a guy arrested locally for driving his John Deere tractor while intoxicated. They even impounded the tractor and his wife had to go and pay to get it out. She left him in jail though-for a lesson she said but i dunno. :loco: