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    Starting the fire

    I wonder why they were just showing a 9V. They all have power going through them. It sounds like a good science project to try one day.
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    Speaking of Trail Mix

    I have never made my own trail mix--well unless you count mix cereal, nut and M&M's as trail mix. I normally buy my trail mix at Walmart. I love their mixtures.
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    Un-floating paddles

    Nice story. I would have been in tears. I probably would have had to jump out of the boat. It reminds me of something Larry the cable guy would
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    Oddly enough, we have never seen a big animal while we are camping. We try to see them. We have seen their tracks but never the animal. We have seen deer and moose tracks. They must have ran or walked through our campsite early in the morning while we were sleeping, but we never catch a glimpse...
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    Fire or shelter?

    I would go with fire first. I would try to get as close to trees that I possibly could so that they could shelter me without having to do anything. Once I was sure my fire was safe and would keep burning, I would then see what I could do about shelter.
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    My nephews have these. I have seen them come in with some nice bruises on them from these things. They think it is so fun. I think they are
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    Some people

    I would have been worried. I hate when sparks come off of our fire. I always worry it is going to catch our tent on fire. Sparks can travel pretty far. Especially if there are burning leaves being carried up into the air.
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    I love portabello mushrooms. My grocery store makes the best stuffed seafood portabello mushrooms. We sometimes pick up a couple to take to camp and grill them on the open fire. They are so good. I have always one to grill one and eat it while my family eats burgers. I always forget to grab one...
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    Now legal!

    That sounds like a fun thing to be able to do. I know here in the winter time you see snowmobiles parked at restaurant and stores. It would be cool to be out on a run and then stop to grab milk on the way
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    Myrtle Beach

    I love Mrytle Beach. It is so relaxing there. I love the camp grounds that are right on the Ocean. It's different to be able to camp on sand. :)
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    Fishing video games

    My older son loves to play the fishing video games. Wii has a game coming out in September. It's through bass pro shop called the Strike game. He "just has to have it." Here is the link, check it out: The Strike Game By Bass Pro Shops ©2009 I think it looks like a lot of fun. Of course I...
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    Potatoes and how to cook them?

    I like to chunk my potatoes up with some peppers and onions. I marinate them in Italian dressing for an hour or so and put them in one of those foil packets. I cook them over the campfire, turning the packet over ever so often until they are done.
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    bug screens

    Where we go camping, there can be a lot of bugs. It actually depends on the time of the season and if it has rained a lot or not. I often see people walking around with bug screens on their heads. Do you use these? I don't use one. I just suffer through the bugs. I complain while I am...
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    Ever catch a stingray?

    I wonder, do they eat stingray? What would be the since of catching them? Is it a catch and release sort of thing? I think stingrays are beautiful fish. I love how their fins flap like wings, so gentle in the water.
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    bacon wrapped stuffed jalapenos on the grill

    I made this the other day. I had a few friends over and I did some up. I had to triple the recipe. I was surprised how easy it was to throw together and my friends were in love. I guess one of them went home and made more the next I wasn't sure when I wrapped them because I thought all...
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    Little ones on the back of a bike

    I have a friend who rode her daughter on the back of her bike until she was 7 years old. Her daughter just could not get the hang of riding a bike. She is tiny for her age. She is now 9 and looks like she is 6. I guess it all depends on weight.
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    Necessity of a Car Fridge

    I have never heard of car fridges. They even have coolers that are electric? That is really cool. It would be nice to not have to worry about ice.
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    Easy meals

    I like to bring stuff for sandwiches. Sometimes I will throw together a salad as well before we go. I don't always like to have the clean up after a meal. What are some easy things you make that does not require cooking over the campfire? You just open the cooler and its there.
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    How often?

    Probably not as much as our family would like to. We all love to fish. Well, I love to just go sit by the lake and watch my family fish. :) This year we have gone more than normal because my 4 yr old is really into it now.
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    Portable DVD players

    Do you bring yours along? I do for my kids. That way if it rains out, they have something to do in the tent. We are all use to going to sleep with the television on as well at night. Most of the time we will pop a movie in but nobody watches it. We just fall asleep to the noise.