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  1. W

    Hunting for Mushrooms

    Cut it out Chris, you're making me hungry.:tinysmile_twink_t2: I took a walk the other day, but didn't find any. It wont be long now though before they're up here too. Good luck!
  2. W

    Poison Ivy

    I have to respectfully disagree with you on this. I've used both orange and yellow jewelweed for thirty years with good results on poison ivy, poison oak, bee stings, insect bites and other skin irritations. Of the two, the orange variety seems to work the best for me. I don't doubt that a...
  3. W

    Primitive firestarting

    I've failed miserably at a lot of things that I've tried, including this. If It's something that you want to learn, like carolyn said, keep trying.
  4. W

    Primitive firestarting

    Out of the methods I've tried, the bow/drill is my favorite for making fire by friction. The one that I've had the hardest time with over the years, is the hand drill. I have a hard time maintaining the right amount of speed and pressure on the fireboard.
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    Primitive firestarting

    You've got the right attitude carolyn. Are you using the old fashioned flint and steel, or a flint rod and what kind of tinder?
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    Cooking in the ground

    The only underground cooking that I've done is in what the old timers called a bean hole. They work great for things like baked beans, stews and pot roasts. I dig a hole a little wider and deeper than the pot that I'm using and put whatever it is that I want to cook in my pot. Put a tight...
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    Hunting Alone

    I have a couple friends that I hunt with now and then, but I generally hunt alone.
  8. W

    Almost Mushroom Time

    Brad's right, possitive identification is very important with any wild food.
  9. W

    Have you ever set a trap or snare for small game?

    When I was younger I used to trap rabbits, woodchucks and other small game using snares and deadfalls. Snares are illegal here in NY, but I still use deadfalls once in a while. When I do, I always make sure not to set them where there's a chance that someones pet might find them.
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    Almost Mushroom Time

    We've had warmer weather earlier than usual here this spring and It's got me thinking about mushrooms. I noticed on the way home from work today that the trilliums are almost in flower and that means that the Morel mushrooms will be up soon. We've been enjoying wild leeks, dandelion greens and...
  11. W

    Can you hunt small game anytime?

    In many places most game animals have a closed season during the times that they are rearing their young. Here in NY a couple exceptions are woodchucks and red squirrels. The seasons on most small game, here at least, run from fall through the winter.
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    I do something very similar at times, but instead of the sugar I use maple syrup.
  13. W

    Under the sky

    When the weather and the mosquitoes will allow it, It's my favorite way to sleep outdoors. I feel more a part of it all than I do when I use a tent or even a tarp.
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    Back To Work

    Thanks. I'm not leaving, I just won't be here as often as I'd like to. I can relate Flowerchild, I came pretty close to living in the shed myself.:tinysmile_twink_t2:
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    Primitive firestarting

    Primitive fire making isn't as hard as you might think. Once you learn the mechanics of it and which materials work the best, It's just a mater of practicing with them.
  16. W

    Wild turkey

    That's one of my favorite ways to cook a wild turkey, my mouth's watering just thinking about it.
  17. W

    Best way to freeze fish

    A vacuum packaging machine if you have one, is probably the best way to go. I don't own one , so I usually wrap any fish that I want to freeze in plastic wrap, and then again in aluminum foil. They stay pretty good like that for a reasonable amount of time. I have a friend that always freezes...
  18. W

    Any Turkey Hunters Here?

    I'm happy to hear that your son got a bird, please congratulate him for me and good luck to to your middle son, I hope he gets one too. I think It's great that your kids are interested in hunting and the outdoors and that Dad is willing to share it with them.
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    Have You Ever Brought One Home?

    I'm the boss in my house, I do what I want when I want. Right up until I hear my girlfriend pull into the driveway.:tinysmile_fatgrin_t
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    Predicting weather

    No dew in the morning, a halo around the sun or moon during the summer, a change in wind direction and smoke that hugs the ground instead of rising are a few indications that a storm is coming.