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  1. S

    Salt water for bad breath

    That sounds about right. Salt has many uses that a lot of people don't realize. But I agree with you on the mouthwash, I don't like the fact that it has alcohol in it.
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    Close Encounters

    The only snakes I ever see are the harmless one's. I never really thought about it before, but I don't think I've ever really had any close encounters.
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    Drinking around campfire?

    As long as you're being responsible about it, I don't see the problem. Kids will be kids though, so you have to kind of expect the 20 something crowd to be rowdier than the rest. We've all been there.
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    Why do you enjoy fishing?

    It sure is dinosaur. Having a few friends to help out every now and then with the catch is pretty cool too. Every now and then we need some away time from our wives.
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    Bow Hunting

    Fishing with a bow? I imagine you'd have to be REALLY adept at bow hunting to be good at that. But that does sound like a real blast.
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    Free Food!!

    I saw this free survival meal deal on youtube. They say that they are giving out survival meals (like the dehydrated ones at REI) for free. If you know anything about this please reply because I don't really want to get taken if this is not a real thing. Thanks. YouTube - Survival Meals free...
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    Camping soups

    What are your favorite camping soups? Mine are Ramen and Lipton. I like the way it just seems to fill up the bottom of the stomach. They really hit the spot.
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    My son and his pack

    A first aid kit is something everybody should take with them. You never know what will happen out there, and it's better to be safe than sorry.
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    New cookset

    That looks like a pretty good deal to me. If it takes you another day of not finding something better, I'd grab it. They look pretty nice too.
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    Rain and more rain

    Bring some of it over here to where we are. We only got a couple of good weeks of rain this year, so we're technically still in a drought.
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    Sleeping Bags

    I like camping when the weather is cool, so yes, definitely. I'm not afraid of the critters and animals,as I typically keep a fire or some other kind of light source going through he night.
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    The old kind

    I'm sure if you look hard enough you could find some on E-bay. Maybe somebody in your neck of the woods would have one on Craigs list. You never know.
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    What do you do if you are being chased by wild boars?

    For the sake of self preservation, I would shoot first and ask questions later. I don't think there's a park ranger out there that would fault you for that.
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    How was your year?

    As the camping season is generally wrapping up [except for all you hardcore campers out there!!], how would you rate your camping experiences on a scale from 1 to 10?
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    Chili was a bust

    Feed it to your camping neighbors! LOL I always like to bring a little extra food with me just in case something like this happens. That always goes in the "you never know" bag.
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    With all the unpredictable weather out there, even if you set out camping thinking there is going to be good weather, what do you do when you caught in the middle of a thunderstorm?
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    Quads for kids

    How big is too big of a quad for your child? I have a Kasea 90 cc for my 11 year old daughter, but some people tell me that it's not powerful enough for her.
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    Facebook Life

    I use it very little. Mainly to keep in touch with family and old friends. I never put anything overly personal on it, just the generic facts of my life.
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    How long?

    I'm guessing 3 months.Until I get totally used to the environment, I would pace the eating of the food. I would use my reading material also to help identify the edible plants.
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    Camping while pregnant with twins

    I think it all depends on the person. What is her comfort level? If it's easy for her to become uncomfortable, I wouldn't try it. She knows her body better than anyone else.