Search results

  1. C

    How old were you when you learned to swim?

    I learned to swim when I was around 5-6 but I got used to the water earlier than that. I was 5 when I got into my first pool at my Grandma's house but I don't really remember who taught me how to swim or if I was even taught. I do know it was around that time that I was always facinated with...
  2. C

    How Many Times Have You Ridden a Horse

    I love horses but the truth is that I've only ridden about 2-3 times in my lifetime. It's ironic because you'd figure a person born in Kentucky would know all about horses and riding them. Still, the moment I'd ridden my first horse was the moment I made a goal to one day purchase my own one...
  3. C


    Depends on the leftovers I would think but it's not exactly like wild animals are picky. What I normally do is collect the scraps. If I don't eat the rest of it by the time my stay is done, any leftovers I have I just toss out for the animals to fight over as long as it isn't toxic to them.
  4. C

    Anyone Bring a Guide or Handbook?

    One of my favorites to bring when I have the room is a nature handbook that has illustrations and and region maps of all North American animals and plants located in the area. It's more of a tradition to bring it with me- not exactly something I start reading while walking around in the...
  5. C

    Turning back

    This has happened to me. I didn't exactly bail per say, but I know that what should have been only an hour hike around the lake turned into a 3-hour struggle with some friends of the family who couldn't understand how to walk over logs or mounds without falling on their faces (It happened 3...
  6. C

    Any Confrontations with Predators?

    Bears, wolves, mountain lions, oh my! Have you ever gotten close to one or had one cross your path while hunting, hiking, etc? I unfortunately, have not. I'd actually look forward to seeing my first big predator that isn't in a zoo though I doubt I'm prepared if it decided to attack.
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    Everything was great until.....

    Yeah, there's nothing wrong in giving friendly advice to new campers but you mind find some stubborn types. There are campers, and then there are those that think they are campers. On a typical campground, I tend to find plenty of both types.
  8. C

    crab bait

    I can honestly say that I've never gone crabbing before. Not to distract from the topic, but how long do you leave the crab bait in the water for and how many crabs do you normally get? This makes me think of that one show, Deadliest Catch but the trabs can't be that big for individuals, can they?
  9. C

    Beaver fever

    Why wouldn't people boil water or filter it? Sorry, but who would drink water right out of a lake or river? Always, always make sure you have a plan about how to drink the nearby water- if you don't sport bottles of water yourself.
  10. C

    Befriending or Working at Bike Shops can be Beneficial

    I have a friend I work with who is absolutely obsessed with biking. He's currently in the process of building his own bike from scratch by buying the best parts separately and putting them together. He's gotten a lot of help from the bike shop he works at part time, which gives him major...
  11. C

    You never see an animal unless they want to be seen :(

    Good suggestions. Hiking is a way for me to destress, but that doesn't mean that my mind is focused on listening to the wildlife. Rather, my head is busy worrying about paying the bills, whether I need to accept yet another invitation from a distant relative to try Farmville, and other...
  12. C

    Family or alone

    I take my dog when I have the chance, but it depends on the lake and how many other people are there. She's a very people-happy girl. Now that I'm all grown up, she's my main companion while fishing, but when I was a kid, fishing was an event for all the family, even when my mom could not...
  13. C

    Tent, Camper, or Under the Stars

    My biggest preference is sleeping under the stars but it doesn't always happen that way. There's nothing quite like being sound asleep outside when a sudden storm hits. I ran for shelter coincidentally under a tree like an idiot while a thunderstorm raged above. From then on I always carry my...
  14. C

    You never see an animal unless they want to be seen :(

    I can't be the only one who almost never sees any animals besides birds while I'm taking a hike. Okay okay, maybe I see a squirrel here and there, but otherwise, my hikes are pretty lacking of wildlife, which is surprising since I have an easier time finding game when I'm hunting than...
  15. C

    Teaching the kiddies

    Wow, what a great idea! When I was a kid we never even thought about making an igloo even though we played outside for several hours at a time. My nephew is coming of age though- he's starting to explore and loves hanging out in the snow. I'll have to see if I can do a similar project with him.
  16. C

    Turn it off

    Like father like son, though I have to admit that that has happened to me more than I like to admit. It's very easy to get caught up in the excitement of seeing a buck and forgetting to turn it off.
  17. C

    Live Bait

    I always, always use live bait when I fish. There are some really fancy fake lures out there, but I've never gotten any worthwhile fish from them. Normally I just use nightcrawlers and sometimes mealworms, but the latter are harder to keep on a hook for me.
  18. C

    Are You Serious? You Can't Wait for a Trashcan?

    I have reported this to our official at the lake a few times, and over and over again they assure me that something will be done about the matter. I give the guy the benefit of a doubt, don't come back to that lake for a couple weeks. I come back, and it's all the same. I know that it...
  19. C

    One thing

    I forget my alarm clock. It seems silly to bring out on a camping trip, but I'm a very sound sleeper and need something to wake me up so I don't sleep the day away. It's one of those old-fashioned metal ringers, the type that can wake the dead. Sadly, I forget it more than I should and have...
  20. C

    Would you let your daughter hunt?

    I have female cousins who learned to hunt from a very early age. I don't think that hunting is a one-gender sport anymore, and there are many times where women can be very efficient hunters themselves. Of course I would let my daughter hunt, but of course I'd give her the decision to go or not...