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  1. B

    Common courtesy, please

    Yes, or even other fishing boats that just come zooming in from nowhere. I mean, if there were any fish in the area, not after they came zooming in.
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    Everything was great until.....

    I can see how just plain aggravating that could be, and how it might not put you in the most friendly frame of mind. I think I would have approached the campground host. It IS a bit of health hazard to be breathing that stuff.
  3. B

    Getting Kids Used to Boats

    It sounds like she is pretty little? If that's the case, it may be best to back off a bit. Otherwise, she may just associate the boat and being around water as something very negative.
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    Saltwater and footwear

    Kiwi makes an excellent athletic shoe deodorant that works wonders on my husband's running shoes---if it works on THOSE, I think there's a good chance it might work on your boots.
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    I get more out of the experience

    Since I invested in a small digital camera a couple years ago, I have found that when I am actively looking for things to photograph, I get more out of the experience. True for you too?
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    Back pack weight

    My husband and I did a backpacking trip last summer for four days. I carried 35 pounds, he carried 40. I weigh 125, he weighs 170. I slipped his pack on, and there was no way!
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    Lewis & Clark Wannabe

    There are many places in the West that are, thankfully, very much unspoiled by the effects of civilization. There is constant pressure on them by those who want to make a buck and want to exploit them, though.
  8. B

    Is bigger better??

    I am always amazed when I see those things pull into a Forest Service campground and park next to somebody in a tent. The noise and the fumes from those things always irk me in that situation too.
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    I have seen what John is talking about in the National Forest Service campgrounds I have stayed at in recent years. The more primitive campgrounds don't have recycling set-ups, but the more organized ones do.
  10. B

    Head or tails?

    I like to sleep with my head at the door so I can look out the tent at the sky. It also makes it quite a bit easier for those times at 2 a.m. when "nature calls"....
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    "No trace" camping

    Yes, sadly there are many folks out there who ascribe to the "Leave WAY More Than A Trace" camping. I guess some people feel compelled to make their mark wherever they go.
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    Forest Service rentals

    In some places around the US, the National Forest Service has different kinds of cabins and places you can rent out. Ever rent a place from the Forest Service?
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    Bird watching

    In recent years, I have really become fond of bird watching. The more I learn about birds the more fascinated I am by them. Any fellow bird watchers?
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    "Golden Passport Program"?

    Have you ever heard of the "Golden Passport Program"? My Dad was telling me about it. I guess people 65 and older can buy this and then they get park entrance and camping fees half off.
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    Bacon seems to go with just about everything, doesn't it? Before we go on a trip, I bake a whole batch of bacon in the oven. I put it on a rack and let the drippings go into a pan below.
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    Places you would never swim/fish at

    I lived in Memphis for 5 years. There is lots of swamp land in the vicinity. There were lakes here and there in and around the swamp land that we would not fish because of the presence of lots of snakes.
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    I would think it would only take one exasperating experience of being in a situation without enough rope to realize the importance of rope on a sailboat!
  18. B

    Flies vs lures

    Fly fishing techniques seem to require quite a bit of skill. Spin casting seems quite a bit easier. I think I would like the challenge of learning to fly fish.
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    As a girl, we vacationed at Lake of the Ozarks gar are common. We used a rigging of piano wire to make a "noose" with bait hanging inside the loop. When they hit the bait, the "noose" was tighted to catch them.
  20. B

    Streams or lakes?

    So it's the same kind of fish you are fishing for, but the habitat is different. You would think they would be on the move in the stream, and at rest in a lake, but it's just the opposite in reality. Interesting.