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    Natural remedy for poison oak

    Thanks refrigerator, that's an exhaustive list. Next time I backpack, I'll bring some of those remedies along and if I get caught in a patch again, I'll try them out. And JollyRogers, I made the very mistake that you described. I scratched and took a steaming hot shower to relieve the itch which...
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    Sleeping Bag for 6 year old

    Well, we intend to tent camp so I want something warm and I think you're right about getting the adult size bags. I think if I spend a little more on quality mummy bags, that will help keep the heat in and they can use them for years. Thanks!
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    Coal Baked Potatoes

    I grill my corn on the cob the same the husk, and it turns out great! And we do this frequently because I am a Nebraska native, so, that's like our staple food ;-)
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    Natural remedy for poison oak

    Ok, stupid question coming up! You're in the backcountry, you hike into an area with some poison oak (because you weren't paying attention) and you get horrible rashes all over your legs. Coincidently, you don't have any anti-itch meds to put on it because you forgot to bring them. So you...
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    Coal Baked Potatoes

    Grandpa, you're onto something. Just cut up or mince a bunch of veggies, potatoes and bacon or ground, beef or turkey, add seasoning, wrap it up in foil or some other lightweight metal container then bury it under hot coals. What an easy way to cook. You could even do breakfast like that with...
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    Coal Baked Potatoes

    I love potatoes too and could probably eat them every day! *Especially* with cheese & bacon :-) I love making them this way on the trail because it's so easy to do, really no prep time, except washing them, then just burying them for a while. Really healthy, too. Especially for hiking. Only...
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    Sleeping Bag for 6 year old

    I am shopping for gear for my children and am looking at sleeping bags for the younger kids (ages 6 and 8). There are some great sleeping bags that are just their size but they are kind of expensive. Should I buy adult size sleeping bags and let them grow into them or should I buy the bags they...
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    Big sleeping bags?

    We used to zip our sleeping bags together and that seemed to work pretty well...but then it was two people sleeping in them so we were able to stay pretty warm : )
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    Coal Baked Potatoes

    An easy way to make baked potatoes is wrap them each in foil (you don't have to do this but then hopefully you don't mind the taste of ash :-) Anyway, bury them under the coals of your campfire, turn them occasionally and they should be done in about half an hour.
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    Won't go to bed with fire

    I haven't found any information about phosphate levels in the waterways but I did read an article that stated Washington state is considering imposing a ban on beach bonfires to reduce CO2 emissions because, apparently, these fires are contributing to global warming. I just don't agree with all...
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    Cold Weather Use

    I'm sure camping in cold temps like that is an adventure for some but I really don't enjoy it at all. On those cold mornings I just don't want to move or even leave my sleeping bag. Not for anything!
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    Dirty/musty tent

    If it's moldy, you can probably clean it just by letting it sit in the sun a few days, or spot clean with 1 part bleach and 1 part water (or vinegar if you're afraid bleach will destroy the material). I also seal the seams regularly, because even one leak can be enough to ruin everything in the...
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    Won't go to bed with fire

    When I worked trails in Yosemite, we followed a very rigid rule and were not allowed to set up camp within--I can't remember exactly how many feet now...I'd say at least 100 to 200, if not more. At any rate, we were not allowed to camp near any river, stream or lake because of the risk of...
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    Half Dome in Yosemite

    Wow, Grandpa, did the 4 year olds hike right along with you? Because that's quite a trek, that would be quite an accomplishment for them! We set up base camp at Tuolumne Meadows and stayed there for, I think about 4 weeks, before we moved. I loved that area, we had tons of deer and bears come...
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    Yosemite Lake Ottawa

    Just curious if anyone on this forum has ever hiked to or camped at the lower or upper Ottawa lakes in Yosemite Nat. Park. These lakes are way in the backcountry, can remember exactly what region...I'd have to check a map. But pretty reclusive area. I got married there and have not made the trip...
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    Half Dome in Yosemite

    Hey, you've been to Cloud's Rest? So have I! Amazing, isn't it? I also have a fear of heights so I don't know what compelled me to make those climbs. Young & dumb, I guess. I don't know if I'd do it today. I did go to the ledge of Half Dome and sit with my legs dangling over. I can't imagine...
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    Half Dome in Yosemite

    Any fellow climbers to the top of Half Dome in Yosemite? If you haven't been there or climbed it, you pull yourself up a very steep ledge by ropes and small, wooden footrests. It's heinous but so worth the effort. Anyway, I heard they no longer allow this climb because someone recently fell to...
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    Things you had to learn the hard way

    What I learned when I was a newbie hiker? Wear quality socks (wool), keep an extra pair. Make sure they are dry and bring Moleskin. Without your feet, you are nothing on the trail. I got the blisters to prove it.
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    How many people try to practice low or no-impact camping?

    "Not enough" I agree, Grandpa. I've camped in big groups before and the protocol was to leave the sites exactly as we found them, or at least in a natural state. It usually took us 2-3 hours to disassemble and clean up but that's how we learned. Then I would go hiking way into the...
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    Did you ever bring a wild animal home?

    kodiak is right, it is not a good idea to take animals out of the wild...especially to make pets out of them..who does that? Not to mention, several animals are protected which would make that a highly illegal activity.