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  1. Q

    Wackiest campground?

    I have never been to any campgrounds around that. I have been camping at Halloween when people get kind of wacky. One woman goes every year, she takes a giant cauldron and dresses like a witch and makes a huge cauldron of apple cider. She really freaks the kids out.
  2. Q

    How do you like to camp?

    If the kids are with me I like campgrounds that have access to showers and bathrooms. I also like to have a commissary nearby. If I am camping on my own I like to find the most out of the way spot I can find with the hopes of not seeing another human being for awhile.
  3. Q

    Help me pick a gun for my wife

    I am about to buy my wife a hand gun. I have her convinced to learn to shoot. However, after watching a video in another thread I have some reservations. If the gun flew back and hit her in the head she would never shot again. My wife is small and thin. What would be a good starter handgun for her?
  4. Q

    Talk about lucky!!!!

    Geez, don't let my wife see these. I am trying to get her to let me teach her to shoot. I never considered that she might not be able to handle the gun. If that happened she would never touch one again.
  5. Q

    Early spring flowers

    I haven't had time to get out. We haven't had the great weather you guys have been having. We have lots of floods and storms here, so I think our spring flowers have not even sprung yet.
  6. Q

    Unpredictable weather changes and marine life

    There has been some discussion of the effects of unpredictable weather change on people and flowers, but what about marine life? Do any of you see any strange things going on with your lakes and rivers due to the storms, tornadoes, freeze, heat waves or what ever your area is getting?
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    Length of first ride

    What should the length of your first horse ride be? I hear that riding can make a person pretty sore. I want to be able to sit after the ride. Is there a way to make your butt not get so sore?
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    first dogs now cats

    We are not allowed to kill the cats here. Instead there is a group of us who work together to trap them. We take them to a local shelter who fixes them for 30 a piece. Then we let them go. You might try to get a group together and do something like that.
  9. Q

    Hobo Meals

    That does sound good. You make me wish I was going camping tonight so I could eat that delicious meal. Oh well, wife says we are having meatball subs tonight so I think I will survive.
  10. Q

    What is happening to all the Occupy Movement tents?

    This is not a post about the politics of the Occupy Movement, so please lets not go there. I am just curious what is happening to all of he tents that are being seized by police and state troopers? It seems like a real waste to throw them away. Does anyone know the fate of seized Occupy Movement...
  11. Q

    How old were you

    I was 13 the first time I went on my first hunt. I think it would have been sooner had we lived closer to my grandfather. He was the one who took me on my first hunting trip. My dad doesn't hunt, and had issues with guns. My grandfather on the other hand believed that all boys need to know how...
  12. Q

    How do you make coffee when you backpack?

    I love backpacking, but there is one thing I do not like. I love to drink coffee, and I miss it when I am backpacking. Does anyone make coffee when they are backpacking?
  13. Q

    Where do you buy your camping gear?

    I like to shop online, because I hate to go to the store. I shop online with Cabellas a lot. I also like to keep my eyes open when I go to garage sales. I have found some seriously quality stuff that way.
  14. Q

    Water that kills swimmers

    There are lots of things in water that can kill people, such as brain eating amoebas, sharks, undercurrent, salt, big foot, Legionnaires and so on. The best advice I can give is to stay out of stagnant water.
  15. Q

    Hiking for exercise?

    Hiking is exercise, period. If you hike you are burning calories and helping your muscles. At least that is what I tell my wife to keep her from making me go to the gym with her. It must be true because she accepts it without complaint.
  16. Q


    Hello, I am a Jack of all trades when it comes to the great outdoors. I love to hike, sail, camp and all that good stuff. I love warm weather and hate cold weather. I am so excited that spring is here... a summer spring too! I hope to make friends and find some new natural spots to enjoy.