New profile posts

...was thinking about ya while canoeing the Water Way Trails. I hope you are doing better than best and all is well in your camp.
Thanks for the kind thoughts. Blessings to you ND.
...just stopping by to say hello and tell you how much I've enjoyed reading your posts. It's really quiet in my neck of the woods. My first trip will be on the Saugeen River come June 10th. Other trips are planned for July, August, and September. It's too early - but I'm hoping the September trip will be for ten days.
Well, well, well -----> the "Chief" adds another year to his life. My sincere best wishes for a pleasant day and a blessed New Year. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
How are the plans going for the Grand Canyon trip? Spring is slowly coming in this area - the plants are breaking through the surface.
Thanks for asking. The enthusiasm level is not what I am looking for. People seem to have health problems like me or not enough money for a trip.
Northern Dancer
Northern Dancer
I appreciate what you are saying. I get so frustrated sometimes with all the obstacles we have to deal with. And true, I find myself saying, "This could be my last year." So I do what I can to make it happen.
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...just stopping by to say hi. Trust all is well in your neck of the woods. It's nice to see spring coming; plants have already started to break the surface. Cheers.
Hi - hope you are doing well. We are halfway through winter and I've noticed the number of outdoor shows being advertised.
GOOD EVENING... It snowed like crazy yesterday. But today it was sunny and mild as we all dug ourselves out of the drifts. Trust all is well in your region. Best wishes to you.
HELLO on this very rainy night and rainy week. The central air conditioner was winterized today and all the summer garden decorations have been put away for another year. So we are now into Harvest Thanksgiving, and soon to follow Halloween.'s so difficult to say - the Christmas Season will be upon us.

Trust all is well my Basecamp Friend.
Happy Fall to you ND. Great time for camping. Next week I am having a dinner party and inviting 3 couples to dinner out at the camp site. I am setting up the wall tent with the wood stove. Cooking in Dutch Ovens, either stacked enchiladas, or lasagna. to stop by now and then and say howdy. Trust all is well with you and yours in your neck of the woods.
Hi ND. Fires are troublesome right now. The Caldor Fire is aimed right at Lake Tahoe. The smoke is bad. We are tired of the heat. Covid is coming back. Otherwise we are doing fine and involved in some house remodel. I hope to go camping if we get a break in the smoke. Hope you are well.
Northern Dancer
Northern Dancer
Thanks, I'm doing well and getting out as much as I can too. Strange things are happening in the lands and it makes one nervous. Glad you are doing well.
The fires are out. We are getting snow. The wall tent looks forlorn with snow on it. I have been cooking with the Dutch Oven in the campsite. Merry Christmas.
...just stopping by to say "howdy" - hoping you and yours are all doing fine in your neck of the woods.
Doing fine here. We've had some great outings this summer and still have some more to go. The backpacks have stayed in the closet but we've driven into a lot of remote places.

I've enjoyed the pics from the canoe trips. Our water outings have been either Sons big inboard or just paddling around the little lakes in the kayaks.

Keep up with your trip reports. We really enjoy your posts.
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Northern Dancer
Northern Dancer
Thank you and you do the same; you are the backbone of this site and what you do is always appreciated too.
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What are you doing? You just had a birthday last year. Oh...right, I forgot - they come every year at the same time. I HOPE YOU HAVE A VERY HAPPY DAY GRANDPA - best wishes!
Thank you. Yes, the years add up faster and faster. But they are still good years. Grandma and I just spent a wonderful 8 days road tripping through Idaho and Montana with our oldest daughter. The beauty of this great land and it's wonderful people still overwhelms me. There's just something about a campfire that brings out the best in all of us.
Northern Dancer
Northern Dancer are absolutetly right!