New profile posts

Excellent "stuff" as usual Roybrew. You are far ahead of me this year. Covid is still taking its toll in this area and movement is still very much restricted. I didn't comment on the post as we need to see others online. I always enjoy what you post. Trust all is well in your camp.
With Covid 19 raging in our neck of the woods I find Outdoor Basecamp an oasis Jason. Thanks.
You are much welcome. Thanks for hanging in here.
...hope you and yours are doing better than best. It's always great to see you online.
Touring Southern Utah this week with another couple. Grandma and I hiked in 3 miles to a beautiful waterfall today. We are paying dearly tonight. Ha ha.
Hello Jason. Just stopping by to say thank you for this site. I can appreciate that it can be labour intensive on occasion. Happy Easter to you and the family.
...I read your posts with great interest and am flabbergasted of how much we have in common. [Kinda like that.] For example, I was on the professional staff of the Big Brother [now Big Brother/Big Sister] Association. :Smile2:
I am currently teaching two teen-aged brothers to ride horses. They had Crack Parents and are wards of the State. They are the first kids I have worked with that really want my help. So I am giving it to them. We are going to do some hiking besides our one day a week horse work. I have a great horse a 22 yo Warmblood mare that is teaching all three of us.
Northern Dancer
Northern Dancer see important you are and the good things that you are doing? All power to you "Pine" - we need guys like you. Having said that, it's going to be a challenge, though a good one, it's still going to be a challenge all the same. You are wise in having a horse involved. Strange as it may seem, this added resource can be mighty powerful. Keep me posted - I'm interested.
...just dropping in to say hi. Trust all is going well in your neck of the woods Grandpa. It sure is cold in my neck of the woods - 2. Though it is bright and the days are getting longer.
Thanks for dropping in. We've had a very mild winter. Keep up your great posts. I've enjoyed them immensely.
How's the Captain tonight? What are you doing in that fabulous back lot of yours?
Mostly I sit in the afternoon in the sun and look at the mountains. I hike in the million acre back yard several days a week. I am now working with horses again at least once a week. I like to build a fire on a nice day and cook dinner out back.
Northern Dancer
Northern Dancer
...fantastic - when you collect yourself around that fire lift a glass for me and I'll do the same for you.
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I was thinking [on occasion I do that] about your experiences that we are unaware of. Can I put a thought into your head? Why not communicate with Jason and do a series of articles on your experiences and knowledge? I for one would be studiously reading them. Just sayin...
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thanks. Because nobody really cares about my experiences except you and me.
Northern Dancer
Northern Dancer
Ya just never know.
Seems we have been invaded by the Russian again.
Yes, busy feller.
I looked up Mulan. Evidently, it's a controversial Disney movie with strong ties to China and has officials upset.
Our buddy "Segsregi" seems to be playing on the site - he may be legit, but I don't think sol.
Thank's for the great support Grandpa; coming from a person like you is really meaningful and an honour. On another subject, I spent this morning in our emergency room of the hospital. I remembered swallowing a gulp of lake water unintentionally and apparently I ingested a "bug" of some sort. Man, I tell you I was sicker than a dog - if that's possible.
Sorry to hear that Dancer. I've drank a lot of unfiltered water but I've managed to get away with it. It's only the last 20 or so years I've even bothered with a filter.

Yes, this a great site. Good people here. You make great contributions to it. We just returned from a week long camping road trip with 3 other couples. Alas, i was do busy admiring the beautiful scenery, i didn't take many pictures.
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Well, well, well, well, what do we have here? Not only does the man share his wit and wisdom - he now shares his age. I hope you have a very pleasant day "Grandpa". I like to tell the wise ones - "Skip the birthday party and just take the cake and cash". :Smile2:

Welcome, Mountianeer - thanks for your comments. Glad to see you online.
Northern Dancer
Northern Dancer
So...what's Mountaineer up to these days with the present circumstance we are facing? I think I mentioned in an earlier post that the camping scene has dried up. I have been out since the decision to close down at the beginning of March. I do have the whole of August booked and I'm sure banking on it.