Search results

  1. D

    pop up vs. trailer?

    Pop ups are pretty easy to take with you and easier to pull and back up. My partner hates towing anything and backing, but she has practiced and does not mind to back up the pop up now.
  2. D

    Cooking directly on the coals....

    Hrm, what if someone throws something they shouldn't in to the fire, like Styrofoam, would that make the ash bad to eat? I know you can do it but I never have tried it, although I have placed a rock in the coals and cooked on that.
  3. D

    Ever fought a wild animal...?

    Yeah, I think that counts. Sorry to hear about that happening to you. I wonder if that is a situation where you would have to worry about the animal having rabies. Do pole cats get rabies?
  4. D


    I don't know much about them either. Usually I just go by how my joints feel. If they are getting achy then I figure it is not a good time to hike or I start turning back right then.
  5. D

    What do you search the Internet for?

    I search for anything and everything. Directions where to go, outdoors groups and things like that. I actually found this forum through a search that I did, and glad of it too.
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    southern Indiana

    I have visited Bloomington once. I believe there is a hiking group from the collage itself that goes out on trips. Or at least there was a few years back when I was visiting a friend there.
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    Techie camp gear

    Does anyone have any high tech camping gear that they use? I have seen all kinds of nifty, lights, radios and even a solar powered marshmallow roaster (it roated for an even cook). What have you seen or used?
  8. D

    Ever fought a wild animal...?

    I had a fight with a brown recluse, went kind of like this. Was digging around in the firewood, saw something crawling on my arm. Killed it, looked at it because it looked familiar. Well it was a brown recluse. Doh. The bite didn't even hurt at first, but then, oh my did it hurt! For weeks, and...
  9. D

    Best Jet Ski

    I want to buy a jet ski. I have only used a jet ski one time though. I am sure you can guess I don't know anything about them. What is the best brand of jet ski to buy?
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    Trash management

    If I am going to go off the beaten path, I like to set myself up so I won't leave with a whole lot of trash. Other wise I will carry a bag that will be for trash alone and make sure everything I take in, I take out.
  11. D

    Appellation trail

    Hehe, you can't claimed to have done it all at once if you spiked parts. Don't worry if you already did the other parts then you can still tell people you did the whole thing. Of course I think it was smart to stop and skip the worst parts. I had no idea there were lower elevation options, does...
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    Food Plots

    I have seen deer in our garden before. They seem to like to eat the corn plant for some reason. I am sure there are lots of ways to attract them with some kind of food plot. Not just plants but licks at the plot site.
  13. D

    Suggestions for Used Pop-ups?

    When I was looking at pop ups I always wanted to run through the put up and the take down. Some people would already have it up and not want to do this. I know some just didn't want the hassle, but if I can't see it go up and down I won't buy it.
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    It can be odd to actually see dead possums by the side of the road. This is because a lot of times a possum will get ran over and still somehow get far enough away from the road, in to the bushes, before they die. It is spring though, and people are starting to want to get out. Increased the...
  15. D

    New state park passport system in place

    I think that is a great idea, to purchase them while getting your plates renewed. What about people who are out of state? Will there still be a manned gate so that they can get a one time pass if they want to?
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    I went ATV mudding for the first time over the weekend. I had always thought it looked to dangerous and messy. I have to admit it was tons of fun. I didn't even mind the clean up!
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    Childs play area

    We have a play area set up. At first we started with wood chips for the ground, but later we switched to rubber chips. I like it a lot better with the rubber chips and it seems like it is much safer.
  18. D

    Appellation trail

    I have only done small sections at a time. I want to do the whole thing eventually but it is just a bit to much for me at the moment. I figure I can hike a section at a time and still claim to have done it.
  19. D

    What is paddling?

    I am just a little confused about paddling. Which boating sports count as paddling and which do not. Does it just mean any boating sport that uses a paddle?
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    Hiking programs for kids

    I think it really depends on the age. Still you might want to check out four seasons because I know they tend to run them and they have a lot of affiliates around the US.