Search results

  1. G

    Cliff Jumping

    My son and his friends enjoy this kind of stuff. They always look for ways to jump into the water from somewhere high, like a protruding rock, a tree, a cliff. I haven't done it yet...
  2. G

    Weird Sightings while Camping

    When we visited the underground river in Palawan, Philippines, I was terrified when I saw several monitor lizards in the area. They were not wild or ferocious but still looked scary to me.
  3. G

    changing Weather

    Some people say that the extreme weather changes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, flooding, etc. that we are experiencing around the world nowadays are results of man's disregard for the gifts of nature. That the earth is changing... What do you think?
  4. G

    How lucky were theses guys?

    They were lucky that there was a yacht passing through the area and that they were spotted by the passengers of the yacht before the sharks did. They should sue the diving company for leaving them in the open sea.
  5. G

    Steve Jobs passed away.

    He is still so young and could have continued to bring new innovations to the world of technology. I could not believe it when I heard the news. It seemed so sudden...
  6. G

    Back Packing Tent

    I wish to go on an extended back packing trip with some friends, but we agreed to have separate tents. Who makes the "top-of-the-line, one-man, back packing tent? Where is it available?
  7. G

    Kilt anyone?

    It may be more comfortable especially during summer months, with the free air movement when hiking. But not for other things like boating, or mountain climbing... Is it okay to wear with the kids around??
  8. G

    Why I can love it

    I you have a big tree in the backyard of the new home, maybe you can build a tree house, and make it your nature hideaway. Ban cell phones and other electronic gadgets in the tree house.
  9. G

    What do you do?

    When you are camping in a tent near a body of water, like a river or a lake and there is a sudden storm with strong winds and rain, no other shelter nearby, what do you do?
  10. G

    Really Nice Article On Drying Fruit

    That's a good one, Scotty, thanks! I never thought of drying fruits in an oven. This is a novel idea and a good one to practice when there are plenty of fresh fruits around.
  11. G

    Solar Kits

    The portable solar kit sounds interesting, and a great idea to bring on a camping trip. The downside for me is on the last post by Refrigerator about the weight of the battery and the kit. That is really something to consider...
  12. G

    Fish oil?

    I am not keen on taking them, but since you mentioned here that they help the joints and increase the good cholesterol level, I will think about it.
  13. G

    Converted Schoolbus

    That is a great idea that has been in my mind for some time, but am not thinking of a school bus, but rather a real bus which is bigger. It can have more than one bedroom...
  14. G

    Catering or doing your own grilling?

    We always have a committee composed of the employees to prepare the food for company parties. It is cheaper and the food is better and more plentiful.
  15. G

    Apples and cinnamon

    I think I will try this one too. Any other dip aside from cinnamon that would make it taste yummy? I'd like to try different dips for the children to decide which one they would like best.
  16. G

    What Was Your Best Trip?

    I can't recall any best trip among all the trips we've made. It seems that the last one is always the best depending on the mood of the company, especially the children.
  17. G

    Airstream Safari

    I have been searching for an old Airsteam Safari, (circa 1964,) for a rehab project. I need some help in locating one that does not need a total overhaul. Any leads would be greatly appreciated.
  18. G

    Going to be Autumn soon!

    You are right about Autumn being the best part of the year. Not too warm and not too cold. Just the right temperature to live in and have fun outdoors or indoors. We could go camping in the backyard again!! LOL
  19. G

    Bike accident

    That is too sad. If the bikers had stopped and are on the side of the road, then something was wrong with the car driver who slammed into the boy. I hope the other boys are okay. Such incidents can cause a terrible trauma for the young guys.
  20. G

    Favorite place you've camped?

    I have no particular favorite. But anywhere where I can find the peace and tranquility away from the hustle and bustle of urban living, with adequate supply of potable water and food is the best place for me.